Well, I have upgraded the HDD to 950GB, resprayed the whole thing, wired hundreds of LEDs into a body.
PS3There is really no "inventor" of the playstation 3. The playstation 3 is an upgrade to the playstation 2 and playstation 1. The person who invented the playstation 1, could probably be credited with inventing the playstation 3. However, the playstation 1 was merely an improvement to the CD-based consoles before that, so whoever came up with the first CD-based console could probably be credited with the invention of the playstation 3. RE: Actuly sonny created the ps3 and the idea was from Cody rinehart
You can not play PlayStation 3 games on a PlayStation 1, but you can play PlayStation 1 games on a PlayStation 3. All of the PlayStation consoles are backwards compatible.
PlayStation x PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 slim PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim Coming soon - PlayStation 4
No as the PlayStation 3 Blu-Ray discs are too large to fit in the DVD slot on the PlayStation 2, although you can play most PlayStation 2 games on American PlayStation 3's and around 50% of PlayStation 2 games on European PlayStation 3's.
No you cannot get Skate 3 for Playstation 2. Only compatible with Playstation 3 and Xbox 360
No, they're two different consoles.
You can play them as long as your PS3 is a 20GB or 60GB model.You can not get an upgrade for a PS3 that is not backward compatible to become able to play PS2 games
PS3There is really no "inventor" of the playstation 3. The playstation 3 is an upgrade to the playstation 2 and playstation 1. The person who invented the playstation 1, could probably be credited with inventing the playstation 3. However, the playstation 1 was merely an improvement to the CD-based consoles before that, so whoever came up with the first CD-based console could probably be credited with the invention of the playstation 3. RE: Actuly sonny created the ps3 and the idea was from Cody rinehart
Not in most cases, it will depend a little on your choice of replacement harddrive
You can not play PlayStation 3 games on a PlayStation 1, but you can play PlayStation 1 games on a PlayStation 3. All of the PlayStation consoles are backwards compatible.
No only PlayStation 3 games that have PAL written on them can be played on the European PlayStation 3.
PlayStation x PlayStation 1 PlayStation 2 PlayStation 2 slim PlayStation 3 PlayStation 3 slim Coming soon - PlayStation 4
Playstation 3
No you cannot :(. The PlayStation 3 has a intergrated GPU(graphics card) which is solderd onto the motherboard, and there are no slots for a graphics upgrade unlike a computer which can be upgraded.
The PlayStation Vita is a standalone system. You do not require a PlayStation 3 to use it.
No. PlayStation 3 games are not backwards-compatible with the PlayStation 2.
The PlayStation 2 was invented in order to bring the ultimiate gaming experience right into the individuals home. It's fun, has a lot of variety of games and can be played multi player to have fun with groups of friends. The PlayStation 2 can also prevent you from being bored. Now the PlayStation 3 is an upgrade of the PlayStation 2, and has amazing graphics which looks great on a high definition television.