if your on the sims 2 computer in the corner there's the blue thing click on the bottom one which is settings and click the sound icon then click mute. hope this helps
No not as far as i know.
Yes, when you use the aging off cheat the entire family's aging will be turned off.
Yes you can but only when you turn off the game
Press CTRL + SHIFT + C to access the cheat window, then enter the following: aging off
if your talking about the PC u can download stuff from mod the sims
No. You can turn into vampires on Sims 2 Nightlife, you can turn into werewolves on Sims 2 Pets.
No not as far as i know.
Try clickin on the light/turn off/this light
Yes, when you use the aging off cheat the entire family's aging will be turned off.
no they cant but they can turn into a werewolf on the sims 2 pets for pc
you can't.
yes, you can be a pet for Sims 2 pets for ps2 first switch to a animal then go to the pause screen then go to options and press freewill and turn it off then turn off the pause menu and you can control your pets and make them do what ever you please
No, but there is The Sims 2 Nightlife where you can turn your Sims into vampires.
Unfortunately no, you'll need the sims 2 pets to make your sim turn into a werewolf.
Yes you can but only when you turn off the game
Nope, you need Sims 2 Pets in order to be a werewolf.