You mean how you get Gengar then train a gastly to level 25 it will evolve to Haunter then trade to a friend who has firered or leafgreen your haunter and then take it back when you receive it it will be a gengar.
Pokemon tower in lavender city, keep moving around and you will find one.
You can get gastly and haunter in lavender town. Trade a haunter to a friend to make it evolve into gengar.
The way to evolve Haunter has been, and will always be, by trading. If you have a Haunter in Pokemon Emerald trade it to Sapphire, Ruby, Fire Red or Leaf Green and make sure he isn't holding an EVERSTONE as that will prevent its evolution.
Gengar is never a wild Pokémon and therefore is not catchable. The only way you can obtain it is to trade a Haunter.
Gastly evolves to Haunter at lv25. And Haunter evolves to Gengar after trading.
Pokemon tower in lavender city, keep moving around and you will find one.
You can get gastly and haunter in lavender town. Trade a haunter to a friend to make it evolve into gengar.
Have to train a gastly to evolve into haunter trade it to a friend and take it back boom its gengar.the only possible way to get a gengar in Pokemon fire red is to trade a haunter and then it will evolve into gengarThe only way to get a Gengar in Pokemon Firered Version is to trade a Haunter with another game.To actually have a gengar trade a haunter to a friend take it back to receive gengar. Agatha has two gengars if you want to see it.
The way to evolve Haunter has been, and will always be, by trading. If you have a Haunter in Pokemon Emerald trade it to Sapphire, Ruby, Fire Red or Leaf Green and make sure he isn't holding an EVERSTONE as that will prevent its evolution.
Brother/Sister/cousin/Friend If they have Leafgreen or Fire red. if you have 2 Game Boy's you could trade it to yourself.
Gengar is never a wild Pokémon and therefore is not catchable. The only way you can obtain it is to trade a Haunter.
Gastly evolves to Haunter at lv25. And Haunter evolves to Gengar after trading.
level 45 in fire red leaf green
Trade it from Pokemon Fire red
No you cannot sadly.