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Well, you can help the lag, but you can't stop it completely. You can do this by pausing the game, going into options, and turning down the render distance, turning off smooth lighting, limiting the frame rate, and turning the graphics from fancy to fast.

-Also if you have a dual or quad core processor, try restricting minecraft to using 1 or 2 cpu cores.

Go into task manager and click on the processes tab. Find Minecraft in the list.

Right click on Minecraft and go to Set Affinity and un-check CPU 2 and 3 (if you have a quad core processor) or just 2 (if you have a dual core processor)

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No i dont think so that there is any app if ur mob. Is lagging clear ram or use clean master or uninstall un necessary apps

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Lagging is a gaming term that refers to a slow internet connection. When your or other people's characters seem to stop in place, then appear several steps ahead, that is when you know you are lagging. This happens because your internet connection is too slow to update the game in a timely manner.