you cnt unfortunately now im stuck on one level were i have to kill dimitry and i keep loosing him when im in the chopper with little jake. if anyone nows how to skip a misson tell me.
I think you have to fail about 5 times.
is there a cheat for a dog on gta4
learning to fly
what? if your talking about the dlcs compared to the main, they should be clearly labled differently. only a fool could confuse gta4 disc with tlad and tbogt. :P
No, unless it is set where you have 2 choices in the story line (Eg: Killing Playboy X or Dwayne).
To get a full rundown of the GTAIV missions, try
You can't skip missions in gta4 but like in the in some you can choose to make deals or kill them but it will effect the game later on.
beat the story and do some side missions.
finsh all of stevies import missions and bruices car stelling missions and the garage will be open
no but some do on some missions you choose who dies!
I may be off but Im pretty sure there are 94 story missions with like 30 car theft missions and about 10-14 friend missions
The infernus is the lambo and you get it from bernie after completing all his missions.
Im sorry there is no cheat code to skip missions
You cant skip any missions at all you can if you get a hack controller which is round about £14.99 $26.96
you cannot skip missions :(
u can skip the mission by just getting busted or wasted