i just found it . its on www.lovepianolyrics.net go to the bar on the side and its number 12
In Pokemon Crystal, a player can obtain an Umbreon if they already have an Eevee. The Eevee must reach maximum happiness and be leveled up at night for it to evolve into an Umbreon. If it evolves during the day, it will turn into an Espeon.
There is no cheat to obtain Kyogre in Pokemon Ruby. To obtain Kyogre and Pokemon Ruby, one must trade with a trainer that has obtained Kyogre in Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald.
darkrai and arcus
to obtain 5,ooo exp in Pokemon leaf green is to put a expirance share on the Pokemon you are training (best place to train is Pokemon league or victory road or clearun cave)
You Cannot Catch Groundon In This game The Only Way To Obtain It Is By, Mirgating From Gen 3 Series or By Trading Someone That has It Already.
there are 150 kinds of Pokemon that you can see and/or obtain. Unless you have friend trade you Pokemon that you can only get in pearl to you, you'll never obtain them all. In Pokemon diamond and pearl all you have to do is see the Pokemon and you get its data unlike the older versions where you have to obtain them.
He is GOD, he doesn't obtain them he already has them
In Pokemon Crystal, a player can obtain an Umbreon if they already have an Eevee. The Eevee must reach maximum happiness and be leveled up at night for it to evolve into an Umbreon. If it evolves during the day, it will turn into an Espeon.
there is no cheat
Obtain ALL the Pokemon
you can't obtain it you have to catch it by yourself
There is no cheat to obtain Kyogre in Pokemon Ruby. To obtain Kyogre and Pokemon Ruby, one must trade with a trainer that has obtained Kyogre in Pokemon Sapphire or Emerald.
To obtain a Pokemon through events, you must receive the card and collect your Pokemon from a nearby Poke Mart with a free slot in your party.
Download it from ds game.
Keldo is unavailable in the games, and can only be obtained through a Nintendo Event or trade. Reshiram is only available in Pokemon White 2 or the original Pokemon Black. To obtain Reshiram, you would have to trade with someone who already has it.
Its not possible to get it legal Instant you can try to find someone who already has a mew and you'll could obtain it from Pal park that way.