a person in celestic town, u need rock climb and ur dragon needs to love u 2 big hearts
You can't make flygon learn Draco meteor in emerald Sapphire and ruby, but you can migrate flygon to d/p and platinum then try to find a house in the foggy area the psyduck were blocking if you talk to her she will teach one of your Pokemon Draco meteor but your Pokemon have to really like you so she can teach Draco meteor. Hope I hellped :))))))))))
No, Dialga is unable to breed.
Yes, you can have a level 50 Metagross with Meteor Mash. you have to trade it to your Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum through Pal Park. Pal Park opens up after you receive the National Pokedex. (On your DS game...) It learns Meteor mash at level 55. However you can still make a metang not evolve (by pressing b during evolution or giving it an everstone.) and make it learn Meteor mash at level 50 and only let it evolve at 50 (it usually evolves at lv.40)and then you will have a metagross with Meteor mash at level 50.
To get Metagross, make sure you have a Beldum. Then raise it so it can evolve into Metang. Then evolve it at level 45 but I rather make it evolve at level 50 because Metang can learn the move Meteor Mash then let it evolve into Metagross.
There is a cheat for it and it's 94000130 FCFF0000 B21C4D28 00000000 B0000004 00000000 10001170 00000181 D2000000 00000000 To activate it go to the mining museum in Oreburgh City. Press L+R. Before you go in make sure you have a empty space open in your party and talk to the fossil extractor guy at the counter and he will give you Jirachi. JIRACHI is very good it can learn Draco meteor! If you transfer it to HeartGold/SoulSilver you will get a special Pokewalker route.
You can't make flygon learn Draco meteor in emerald Sapphire and ruby, but you can migrate flygon to d/p and platinum then try to find a house in the foggy area the psyduck were blocking if you talk to her she will teach one of your Pokemon Draco meteor but your Pokemon have to really like you so she can teach Draco meteor. Hope I hellped :))))))))))
i would say Draco PLate because that way he can learn Draco meteor (if ARCEUS loves you enough)
you have to make a special bond with him then go to opelucid city and talk to an old man ****EDITED**** In white talk to Drayden In black tal to Iris
Go from Solaceon town on route 210. Look for where the fog is, and go to the corner-like place of the map and look for a little house. There's a tutor that teaches Draco meteor. You have to have a pokemon with high friendship, with 2 hearts on the friendship checker app. A good idea is to have all physical attack moves, since Draco meteor only decreases Sp. Attack. You should also only use it if it's going to make the enemy faint.
go to the dragon gym leadors house and you can ask him to make kyurem learn Draco meteor
I would say Nasty Plot, Psychic, and then maybe Doom Desire or Swift plus Draco Meteor. Because then when you lose the Sp. Atk stat you can use nasty plot to bring it back to normal. To make it even better you could give it a dragon fang or something. Hope this helped.
you cannot make dialga or palkia evolve
Braviary's best move is superpower. Superpower hits the sp.attack side but Braviary's stats are pretty high also Braviary is attack mostly. If you want your Braviary to be a beast but on draco meteor. Item= choice specs because Braviary loves to strike first and if you make it, it will unleash full power from the beginning of the battle. Mine is Moves: Superpower Draco meteor Thunder Brave Bird It's shiny with the ability "speed boost"
You need to battle more and take it to baths etc. feed it poke food square things and make sure its the centre of attention
(It will be hard without a Pokemon knowing Defog)Go to the place left of celestic town.To make it easier,use Defog on the fog.Now,go to the place where you can use rock climb.Use rock climb two times.you should see a house.In it is a woman.She will teach you Pokemon Draco meteor.You will have to be very close to your Pokemon,though.I mean you have to have a big bond with your Pokemon to be taught Draco meteor.
I don't think Dialga can be hatched from an egg. You can find Dialga at Spear Pillar though.
No, Dialga is unable to breed.