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You cant make it snow or rain.

For snow you must be in a Tundra biome (the ones that are coverd in snow and have spruce trees) any time its raining, go over to that biome and it will be snowing!

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Q: How can you make it snow on minecraft?
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As of yet, you cannot make a snow golem in Minecraft PE. This will come in a future update.

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You have to destroy snow with a shovel, you can not craft it.

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You can only make snow golems on Minecraft XBox 360 Edition P S S P-Pumpkin S-Snow

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No you cannot make a snow portal without a mod and mods are yet to be enabled on 360 version so that would be a no.

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You can make snow blocks, by putting snowballs in a 2x2 square and you can use snow blocks to make a snow golem by placing a snow block on the ground, then a snow block on top of the other snow block and then you put a jack-a-lantern or a pumpkin on top of the snow stack and then you get a snow golem.

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you dont attract it you make it 2 snow blocks with a jack lantern on top theres nothing special about them.

How do you become a snow weather in minecraft?

You cannot change yourself into weather, but if you are looking to find out how to make it snow in Minecraft, there are two ways to do this. One is by going to a biome with snow on the ground or ice, and waiting for it to snow. The second way can only be achieved by commands, and it is by again finding a biome with snow or ice on the ground and typing /toggledownfall

How do you make a normal snowman in minecraft?

put a pumpkin on top of two vertically stacked snow blocks.

How do ou make a snow golem on minecraft?

P S S P is pumpkin S is snowblock

What is the command for snow on minecraft?


What is the command to make the snow melt in Minecraft?

Using World Edit, a multiplayer Bukkit plugin, you can do //thaw [radius] to melt all snow and ice in that radius.

Can snow go away in Minecraft?

Snow can go away in minecrafts, and can melt very slowly but it will still melt in the category its in on or by the minecraft.