

Best Answer

By buying one of those kids books that teach you how to write

if you're talking about writing

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Q: How can you learn to be ambidextrous?
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How can you include ambidextrous in a sentence?

I am ambidextrous. You are ambidextrous. He is ambidextrous. She is ambidextrous. We are ambidextrous. They are ambidextrous.

What is the word for a person who can write perfectly with both hands?

AMBIDEXTROUS That is the gift of being "ambidextrous". it's how they were born if you learn to write with the left hand it good to but the right hand is better Or both handed person.

What is it called when you can use both hands?

you are ambidextrous when you can write with both of your hands

What do you call person who can write with both hands?

when somebody can right with both hands with equal strength then you call it ambidextrous and what a coincidence i am ambidextrous.

In which country do students learn to ambidextrous?

To be ambidextrous is the ability to use both hands interchangeably. I know of no country that requires children to be ambidextrous. It is very hard to force a change of hands from the dominant side. My dad was naturally left handed but had a teacher tie his left hand behind his back to make him use his right hand.

How rare is the ability to be ambidextrous?

The ability to be ambidextrous is rare, with only about 1 of the population being naturally ambidextrous.

A synonym and antonym 'ambidextrous?

a synonym and antonym 'ambidextrous

Is mahatama gandhi ambidextrous?

ya...........he is................

What suffix is for ambidextrous?

Ambidextrous does not have a suffix though it does have a prefix.

What is a word for able to use either hand?


When was The Ambidextrous Universe created?

The Ambidextrous Universe was created in 1964.

What is the ISBN of The Ambidextrous Universe?

The ISBN of The Ambidextrous Universe is 0486442446.