Once you get the HM surf go to the rock tunnel Pokemon center but don't go in the cave instead use surf to go south you will find a building this is the power plant.
you go to the cerulean gym by the floaties on the left after take it back to power plant
Go right from Cerulean City to the Rock Tunnel, you should be able to Surf (With the HM of course.) past there, go down stream, and you should be at the Power Plant.
You don't get the power plant, you go to it. It's in Cerulean city on route 10, when you defeated all of the gym leaders and the elite four, right next to the power plant is Zapdos
at mistys gym after you battle the team rocket grunt look in between tubes or in tubes [Not Sure] there is a piece that says power plant piece then go to the power plant and give it to the guy.
First go to the power plant to hear about the missing part, go to the gym to fid the thief, follow and fight him to find where the part is and return it to the power plant. Then go to the cape to interrupt mistys date. She will then be at the gym to battle you
power plant. go to the rock tunnel entrance and go up to the water, and surf down and you will find the power plant. at the end of the power plant you will find zapdos
The Power Plant is not in Lavender town. To reach the Power Plant, go to Route 10 (north of the Rock Tunnel) and surf south along the river. The Power Plant is on your left.
You surf to the right of Rock Tunnel, go down into the Power Plant, and at the end is Zapdos.
Type your answer here... first u have to beat the elite four then go gto kanto . go to power plant and talk to manager .he will say the power plant power is not working. find part to power plant its in mistys gym bring it to power plant then beat all gyms then zapdos is outside power plant hope it helps ;)
Go to the power plant, then go to Cerulean gym, and there will be a rocket guy. He will run away. He will be on the bridge. Kill him, then go to the plant, after he gives you the piece of machinery. You will get praise and most likely nomz.
go to where you would go into Rock Tunnel and head north until you reach water. Surf on it south to get to the Power Plant.
Go to the Power Plant and go to at the bottom
Go to the Power Plant
to get zapdos, you have to go to the power plant, near cerulean city. Zapdos is next to the power plant
you go to the power plant in the kanto reigon
go to the gym then go to the tube farthest away from the entrance go behind it hit a the go give the thing you got to the boss at the power plant. It worked for me so it should work for you.
you go to the cerulean gym by the floaties on the left after take it back to power plant