First go to the power plant to hear about the missing part, go to the gym to fid the thief, follow and fight him to find where the part is and return it to the power plant. Then go to the cape to interrupt mistys date. She will then be at the gym to battle you
at the end of the cerulean cape (route 25)
Misty is located around Bill's House at the Cerulean Cape, but you won't find her until you finish solving the problem at the Power Plant.
how do you fight cyrus in pokemon soul silver
Once you fixed the Power Plant, go to the end of Route 25. Talk to Misty and she'll return to the gym. Then you can beat her. (She uses water Pokemon so I suggest you use grass or electric Pokemon.)
misty will be a gym leader in HeartGold and SoulSilver
After you defeat Misty, You can go catch suicune by Bill`s house.
Misty is at the Cerulean Cape. It's close to Cerulean City.
Misty has a 49 Golduck 49 Quasire 52 lapras and 54 starmie
route 25
She's at the end of route 25
top of rout rout 25 =]
it is the place where th gym leader is Misty
Route 25, near Bills house.
at the end of the cerulean cape (route 25)
in the gym