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Tercessuinotlim is a Private room you must do the Chain quests.

You start at /join Puddle (Pencil Puddle)

If you get stuck or need help you can always go on youtube and search "How to get to Hyperium"

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Q: How can you go in Tercessuinotlim in AQWorlds?
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to find the secret 2 you have to find the ninja spy in tercessuinotlim on aqworlds.

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It is used to access the Bone Room, which is the entrance to tercessuinotlim.

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Tercessuinotlim is accessible through a portal in the citadel.

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Swindle is located in tercessuinotlim, which you can access via the caves in citadel

Is tercessuinotlim open yet in AQWorlds?

Yes. Yes it is. Go to Citadel and go in the caves and go forward then come back out then go to the right and you need to go over to the side but you need 50 bone dust then once inside go in the portal.

What do you use the bone dust for in adventure quest worlds?

You use it to get to Tercessuinotlim. Tercessuinotlim is Miltoniussecret. You go to Citadel. You go to the cave at the right. Go in the middle cave. Go back. Then you go to the right cave. Then you go to the cave there. Then you see a portal to Tercessuinotlim. Lots of explaining. =) Please feel free to improve the answer.

Where is miltonius in AQWorlds?

miltonius is in tercessuinotlim. but the things u need r strand of vaths hair, escherion chain, 50 cubes and 50 bone dust

Where can you find the strongest monster in AQWorlds?

Nulgath - Tercessuinotlim. The Invisible - Hyperium. Frost King - kingcoal. some of the chaos lords/ beasts like kimberly, ledgermayne, mana golem

How do you get the crystal Phoenix blade in aqworlds?

You must complete the quest 'Juggernaut Items of Nulgath'. The process behind this is very complicated so it is best to examine the AQW wiki.

What to do with acaras fang on AQWorlds?

Well, you can look that up in the wiki. Just go to your Char. Page, and click the item 'Acaras's Fang', it will open a page in the wiki. It is an item needed to goto Nulgath in /join Tercessuinotlim. For more info, search the AQWwiki []