do not lisan to this woman or grl shes a hacker she hacked my acownt and i ttrusted her D: do trust her plz lisone
Go to the Zwinky website and contact them with an email or send a support ticket.
You go to zwinkys homepage and tell them you deleted your account or it got hacked, (include username, email, secret answer to the secret question)
Okay, You need to go to this link and it will bring you to Mistere's homepage z-note him. This is the link.....
Listen heres what you do you email zwinky and tell them your username your password before you got hacked and the email address you had for it and ask them to please help you and they will change the email back and you can click lost password and enter the answer to the secret question and they you have it - note if the secret question has been changed then tell zwinky that too P.s. it will take 2 days - it helped me - and if you are still on homepage the go and check his or her email if its not changed then click forgot password if it has been changed then send them hate mail and try you hardest to get your account back Good luck =]
A Zwinky is an avatar or account on the Zwinky website.
Funny thing to forget, ask your parents? i just got hacked on zwinky with zcard :@
Go to the Zwinky website and contact them with an email or send a support ticket.
Report it,there is no reason for anyone's account to get hacked.
Contact Zwinky. If you can show them that you are the legal owner of the account, they might reset the password and allow you to access the account again.
You go to zwinkys homepage and tell them you deleted your account or it got hacked, (include username, email, secret answer to the secret question)
how do i get my password back on zwinky
I suggest delete the account, report it, or just change the password. =D
Ok so you know how there is the login thing when get on the zwinky homepage well it asks for your username and pass and under the password box it says forgot your password, after typing in the hacked zwinky account username click the forgot pass word thing and type in your email (usually it only accepts the email address that you registered with). You will then receive new password in your email. Hope this helped!!!
you cant get it back im afraid :(
e-mail ur pass and username to zwinky e-mail :P idk their e mail
u can't
Cannot by yourself unless you know hack codes yourself. I suggest that you complain to Zwinky themselves on the bottom on the Zwinky page under Feedback. =D