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You cant get a piplup mask on Pokemon Diamond or Pearl

u can get it but i don't know how

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Q: How can you get piplup mask for Pokemon Diamond?
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Related questions

What are the starters in Pokemon Diamond?

Turtwig (grass) Chimchar (fire) Piplup (water)

What do you use the piplup mask in Pokemon platinum?

The Piplup mask is an accessory for Pokemon contests. It is stored in your Fashion Case. Otherwise, it has no use whatsoever.

What do you do with the piplup mask in Pokemon SoulSilver?

Sell it

Where can you get another piplup on Pokemon Diamond?

Breed your piplup with a ditto. Or breed a femle piplup with another Pokemon from the same egg group as piplup.

When was piplup introduced into Pokemon?

If you are talking about the games, Piplup was introduced in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl... Piplup was introduced in the anime Pokemon Diamond and Pearl episode 1, titled "Following a Maiden's Voyage!"

How is Piplup obtained in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

Piplup is obtained as a starter in Diamond and Pearl or through trades.

Where is piplup in diamond?

Piplup is a starter Pokemon if you didn't choose it have a friend trade you it.

What lever does Piplup evolve at in Pokemon diamond?

Piplup evolves at lv. 16

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How do you get a piplup in diamond?

Choose it as your Starter Pokemon.

Get a chimchar mask on Pokemon diamond?

The Starter Pokemon masks depends on the Pokemon you choose from the start.Turtwig Mask - Jubilife City TV Station (Turtwig), Veilstone Department Store (Chimchar), or Pastoria City (Piplup)Chimchar Mask - Pastoria City (Turtwig), Jubilife City TV Station (Chimchar), or Veilstone Department Store (Piplup)Piplup Mask -Veilstone Department Store (Turtwig), Pastoria City (Chimchar), or Jubilife City TV Station. (Piplup)

What are the starter pokemon in diamond and pearl?

The starter pokemon for Diamond and Pearl are Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar.