You can't - It's a move introduced in generation IV (Diamond, Pearl and Platinum).
Sorry :(
I am pretty sure your Pokemon can learn it on a high level. :)
Tm 60 in Pokemon Platinum is drain punch
It doesn't learn Drain Punch at any level. It, and all other pokemon, only learn Drain Punch through TM60 in Gen IV.
I am pretty sure your Pokemon can learn it on a high level. :)
Tm 60 in Pokemon Platinum is drain punch
From my experience, you cannot find or buy the move Giga Drain In Pokemon Emerald. It is only a learned move. If you have a Shroomish, it will learn Giga Drain in one of its advanced stages.
You can get it at shopping mall 9
The Ice Punch move tutor is in the Battle Frontier. The move costs 48 B.P.
The only way Alakazam can learn Fire Punch is through a Move Tutor on Pokemon Emerald Version.
Drain Punch is one of Scraggy's egg moves so you will need to get a female of either Scrafty or Scraggy as well as males of either Smeargle, Treecko, Grovlye, Sceptile, Mienshao, Mienfoo, Lucario, Kecleon or Spinda that knows Drain Punch and then you can put them into the Daycare and then you can get a Pokemon Egg from the Daycare Man that will hatch into a Scraggy that knows Drain Punch.
You get TM60 when you defeat Veilstone Gym