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Well, there are 493 Pokemon that appear in this version, and they all appear in different places. Some Pokemon, such as Electivire and Magmortar, can be quite complicated to obtain, and some, like Starly and Bidoof, can be caught almost anywhere. My advice is to look in every patch of grass, every cave, every pond, then look again at different times of the day, then look again with the Poke Radar once you get it (this only applies to patches of grass).

Talk to Dawn/Lucas's sister in Sandgem Town every day, she'll tell you where a different rare Pokemon is swarming every day. Also talk to Mr. Backlot, he gets his butler to bring a new Pokemon into his trophy garden every day. Try fishing in every body of water, and make sure to check back again if you get a better Rod. Buy honey and smear it on every tree you see, and remember to check back every 12 hours or so to see if a Pokemon was attracted to it, there are a few you can only find this way. Spend some time in the Great Marsh, there are a few Pokemon you can find only there, and some that are easier to find. Do this again after you beat the Elite Four, new Pokemon show up.

Make friends with people who have Diamond and Pearl, they might be able to trade you some Pokemon that don't appear in Platinum. There are also a few Pokemon you can only find if you have a certain Pokemon GBA game inserted in your DS at the same time.

Speaking of GBA games, there are several Pokemon that you can only find in Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum by using the Poke Radar or when they're swarming that can be found very easily in older games, and there are also several rare Pokemon (especially legendaries) that just don't appear in Platinum. What to do about these? Import them from your old game through the Pal Park! Just be aware that these Pokemon are deleted from your old games once you import them, and they cannot be returned, so think twice about importing your best party.

Other than that, remember to evolve all the Pokemon you catch as many times as they can evolve. If you don't feel like training, say, both a Dratini and a Salamence to level 50, you might be able to work out a deal with one of your friends where you train one, your friend trains the other, and when you both have the fully evolved form you can swap them to get them on your Pokedex and then trade back.

Friends are also good for helping you get Pokemon you can only choose one of, such as Latias and Latios, or Pokemon that can only evolve with the help of an item that you already used to evolve a different Pokemon, such as a King's Rock or a Dusk Stone. Coordinate with your friend so one of you gets one Pokemon and the other person gets the other, then swap them to get them on your Pokedex.

In addition, there are some Pokemon that must be traded in order to evolve, including Graveler and Kadabra. To complicate this even further, certain Pokemon need to be holding special Items during the trade, such as Onix or Dusknoir. (Note: these items will disappear after evolution.) Be sure to look everywhere in the game and talk to every random person you see. Most of them will only say boring things or give you advice you really don't need, but some of them will give you important items. If you're thorough, at the end of the game you should have collected at least one of any item you'd need to make Pokemon evolve. Some of these Items can also be held by wild Pokemon (ex. Steelixes on Iron Island can hold Metal Coats), so don't despair immediately if you need the same item to evolve two different Pokemon.

If a Pokemon needs a Stone to evolve, Sun, Moon , Fire, Water, Leaf, and Thunder Stones can all be dug up in the Underground. In addition, several different types of fossils can be dug up in the Underground and resurrected into extinct species of Pokemon. This is another area where having friends with other versions can come in handy, they might be able to dig up fossils that are rare or impossible to find in your version.

In Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, to complicate things further, certain Pokemon only evolve if they level up while holding a certain item, in a certain location, or once they learn a certain move, such as Ancientpower or Double Hit. In fact, several Pokemon you can obtain after beating the Elite Four need to learn Ancientpower to evolve, it's generally a good idea to let Pokemon learn this move (besides the fact that it's a decent Special Rock-type move). The internet is a good source of advice for these tricky evolutions, there's always somebody out there who knows how to get the Pokemon you want.

If you catch an evolved form of a Pokemon but can't seem to find it's earlier form anywhere, you could always breed it and hatch its eggs to get the pre-evolved form. This is especially useful with species of Pokemon you can find only in the Battle Frontier, they're mostly evolved forms around level 50-60. However, if you look hard enough you might be lucky enough to come across a lower-leveled (around 20-25) pre-evolved form in the wild.

Breeding is also the only way to get certain pre-evolved forms of Pokemon that can't be found in the wild, also known as Baby Pokemon. These Baby Pokemon can also be evolved into their normal forms, and they usually evolve either at level 30 or with friendship.

Friendship evolutions are nothing to worry about, just keep the Pokemon in your party for a while, let it battle successfully and gain experience, give it a Soothe Bell to hold, use Items on it, let it get a massage every day in Veilstone and a spa treatment in the Resort Area, and most importantly, make sure it doesn't faint. Storing them in the PC does nothing to their friendship levels, so feel free to do that but be aware that while they're not coming to hate you, they're not coming to like you any more either.

No matter what you do, though, there will probably still be a few Legendary Pokemon *cough cough Mew cough cough* that you will be unable to catch in Platinum or any other trade-compatible versions. Some of these, such as Mew, Celebi, Deoxys, Darkrai, Shaymin, and Arceus have only been availabe through special events sponsored by Nintendo. I'm afraid that unless you or one of your friends are prepared to use some sort of cheating device you're just going to be stuck without these Pokemon. Personally, this is my least favorite aspect of the Pokemon games, even worse than the childish plot (or lack thereof), the annoying Bike music, and the lack of difficult Trainers to battle after the Elite Four.

So I'm afraid that in the end, a complete Pokedex is a bit of a futile quest, unless you hapen to live in Japan and be friends with some Nintendo executives. Oh well, by the time you managed to fill it up they probably would have come out with another version with more new Pokemon anyway.

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