there is a master code cheat to use the cheats in the action replay with out it the codes wont work
action replay (cheats)
That is impossible.
You have to use an Action Replay and find a cheat code. If you Google "Action Replay" and "AR soul silver cheats" you will find everything :)
It is not possible to do the masterball cheat without a Gameshark or Action Replay on Ruby although it is on Emerald.
you cant without cheats by cheats i mean ar (action replay) dslx ds dsi you may have to wait 3 months for the 3ds action replay to come out
You use action replay
first thing you can only have 900 master balls if you use cheats. you say you dont want with action replay, so i know that the R4 has cheats already build in so you can choose the cheats you want without any codes.
you cant without an action replay or internet cheats. they are most likely to be sold at the Game store in queensgate.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
there is a master code cheat to use the cheats in the action replay with out it the codes wont work
You can get one from professer elm and you can get some from winning the lottery. action replays work as well ;D
With cheats or action replay.
action replay (cheats)
If you want a rayquaza you can use a action replay and get the master ball cheat. that's were you get 493 masterballs then you throw away as many as you want. say a charzard was #003 then you throw the master balls away intill you have 3 left. to replenish your masterball supply you just click L and R and the same time. action replays are normally around $30.00.
well, if i remember correctly from my childhood Pokemon games, no.
you don't!