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Q: How can you fix your own armor in dead frontier?
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Can you create your own characture on Left 4 dead 2?

No, you can't.

Best create a character games for xbox 360?

As in character customization? Saints row is my favorite when it comes to creating somebody, but theres also those rpg games like oblivion and fallout 3 where you can create characters and have them wear different clothes and armor. Fable 2 also lets you choose your own clothes and armor, but you cant do anything with their actual face, but u can give him tattoos or makeup or something.

Is Dead Space 3 split screen?

At E3, EA stated there will be no split screen. For now, Dead Spaces 3 co-op will have to be done online. Sucks for a lot of the people who doesn't own two of the same console and games.

What level should your Pokemon be in Pokemon Heart gold after you defeat the first gym leader?

level 100 or he will own you instantly if you have a grass type your dead

What are the new armor sets for fate the traitor soul?

well, each race (orc, cogger, human, shadow elf) have their own set of armor. Half orc - Orcus (orcus helm, orcus boots, orcus gloves, orcus belt, orcus plate etc.) Shadow elf - Elphame (elphame armor, elphame boots, elphame belt, elphame gloves, elphame helm etc.) Cogger - Cyber (cyber plate, cyber boots, cyber helm, cyber gloves, cyber belt etc.) Human - I have not discovered this yet, so I don't know. In addition to each of these (elphame, cyber, orcus) having an armor set, they also have weapons for each of the classes. And each of them have a shield, so just type the name (elphame, orcus, or cyber) and then the desired item: spear/sheild/boots etc.

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Who own armor games?

Micsoft is the answer

Is there a computer program that you can make your own halo 3 armor and then get it in the game?

no you will have to somehow hack the servers to allow your armor on and then convince the admin to not delete your armor and not perma-ban you

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the average person owns 8 pieces for under armor

Did Samurai have to buy their own armor?

No Usually the Damiyo provides it.

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Probably not.

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you ferry there after beating the league with your own Pokemon

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Its in the battle frontier its to the right if you need more help you have your own battle frontier map on your trainer card.

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Dust underneath your bed is your own dead skin. Dust underneath your bed is your own dead skin. Dust underneath your bed is your own dead skin.

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Did grateful dead own their own record label?

Yes it was called grateful dead records. It was formed in 1973.

Where the armor shop is in ratchet and clank size matters?

There isn't an armor shop in Size Matters, you need to find the every piece of armor in the game on your own, and equip them in order to use them. here is a list of all the standard armor sets in the game, each set has 4 pieces to collect.WildfireSludge MK. 9CrystallixElectroshockMega-BombHyperboreanChameleon