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By getting the beauty all the way up.

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Q: How can you evolve feebas in FireRed?
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When does feebas evolve?

Anyway, to evolve Feebas into Milotic, your Feebas has to have its max beauty, then after that level it up by 1. And then Feebas will evolve into Milotic.

Can boy feebas evolve?

Yes male Feebas can evolve in fact all Feebas can evolve regardless of gender.

How can you evolve a Feebas on Pokefarm?

The Feebas' beauty must be at its maximum in order to evolve.

Will Feebas evolve if its beauty isn't maxed?

No, it will not evolve. In order to evolve, Feebas must be at max beauty.

Do you have to give Feebas a Water Stone to evolve it?

You do not have to give Feebas a Water Stone to evolve it. To evolve Feebas you need to trade it while it is holding a Prism Scale.

What level does feebas evolve in Pokemon black?

Feebas will only evolve with high beauty.

Why wont your feebas evolve in mystery dungeon explorers of darkness?

I think you need a Beauty Scarf to evolve Feebas. (You can only evolve after beating Guild Members.(Luminous Springs)) Feebas will evolve in to Milotic(water type) I think you need a Beauty Scarf to evolve Feebas. (You can only evolve after beating Guild Members.(Luminous Springs)) Feebas will evolve in to Milotic(water type)

How does Feebas evolve?

feebas evolves with maximum beauty. ^_^

What level dose feebas evolve?

feebas could evolve at any level but it evolves by happiness

How do you evolve feebas in Pokemon platiunm with things that are easy?

there is no other way to evolve feebas but to maximum its beauty then level it and it will evolve!

How do you make feebas evolve into mioltic in Pokemon indigo?

You evolve Feebas at level 45 with no item needed.

What level does Pokemon feebas evolve at?

To evolve feebas, you have to max out it's beauty, by feeding it a lot of pokeblocks that promote beauty.