You cannot do this on the island because Zeus never appears as a character, only in the animated sequences.
As it turns out, nothing at all. You get the attention of Zeus, and he gives you a separate quest.
just keep trying with the lightning and clouds!
He is never seen again. A younger version of Zeus was seen in the ad-game for "Percy Jackson and the Olympians" (June-July, 2010).
get the five sacred items, give them to Zeus, go to Hercules, and use the mirror to get there.
On Mythology Island, you will meet the god Zeus, and his daughter Athena at the Tree of Immortality. You will find Aphrodite on the beach in the realm of Poseidon. The gods Poseidon and Hades are in their throne rooms, which you cannot enter until you have recovered the 5 sacred items and returned them to the Tree of Immortality.
Zeus is the god on Mythology Island.
he is where you pick apples
On Mythology Island in Poptropica, the final thing you do is defeat Zeus in a battle to stop him from taking over the island. Once you defeat Zeus, you will have completed the main quest of the island and can claim your medallion.
Find him and click on him.
in mythology island be careful of Zeus
Use the crown and trident.
Your quest on Mythology Island is to give Zeus the 5 items;the rose, the whisker, the scale, the pearl, and the golden ring. To do this, you have to get the apple (to summon Zeus and then actually get the quest).
If you are talking about Mythology Island, there is no such thing there. Mythology Island only has three 'kingdoms': Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus.
you go to where you found Zeus.
he takes them after you find out how valuble it is.
in mythology island be careful of Zeus