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It all depends on the arrangement of the dots. Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines instead

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Q: How can you connect 12 dots with 5 lines?
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How do you connect 12 dots using 5 straight lines and ending where you started?

distribute the 12 dots around the perimeter of a pentagon

Connect 10 dots with 5 lines?

draw a five pointed star

5 rows of 5 dots draw 8 lines to connect them all?

I can do it with 7 lines... But I cannot draw in this Wiki interface...

How do you connect 12 dots with 5 straight lines and end where you begin?

Draw a line from one dot in the center to the other four dots. Or, draw a straight line. Place dots at either end of the line, and place dots in the center of the line.

How can you connect 25 dots with 8 lines?

It depends on where the dots are located. If they are all collinear only one straight line is required. For a 5x5 grid, only 5 lines are required.

How can you connect 9 dots with 4 lines?

To connect 9 dots with 4 lines, you must think outside the box. The key is to draw lines that extend beyond the boundaries of the dots. Start by drawing a line that goes through the first three dots in an L shape, then continue the line outside the dots to connect the remaining dots. This unconventional approach allows you to connect all 9 dots with just 4 lines.

How do you make 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots?

a star drawn with five lines will give you 10 dots on 5 lines with only 4 dots on each line. (or) simply draw a pentagon and put a cap ( a inverted 'V') on all sides.

How do you draw a mystic rose?

You start by drawing a circle then draw 3+ dots on the circled edge, next connect all the dots with each other but don't go over the same line twice. for a 4 dotted circle you should end up with 6 lines altogether and with 5 you should have 10 lines altogether also 6-15 7=21 10=45 11=55 12=66

What are the release dates for Rubicon - 2010 Connect the Dots 1-5?

Rubicon - 2010 Connect the Dots 1-5 was released on: USA: 22 August 2010 Japan: 10 January 2012 Finland: 26 February 2012

How do you connect 12 dots with 5 straight lines without lifting pencil?

Here are the 12 dots, labeled so we can talk about them:[1] - [ 2 ] - [ 3 ] - [ 4 ] -[5] - [ 6 ] - [ 7 ] - [ 8 ] -[9] - [10] - [11] - [12] --- Put your pencil down on #9, and don't pick it up until you're finished.-- Draw line-1 up through #5 and #1, and keep going up for a ways,just far enough so you can do the next step with a straight line.-- Draw line-2 slanting down through #2, #7, and #12.-- Draw line-3 straight to the left, through #11, #10, and back to #9.-- Draw line-4 slanting up, through #6 and #3, and keep going fora ways, until you're exactly straight up above #4.-- Draw line-5 straight down, through #4 and #8 .It all depends on the arrangement of the dots.Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines insteaddistribute the 12 dots around the perimeter of a pentagonSince you didn't specify the lines have to be the same length... Arrange the dots in a grid as follows :-OOOOOOOOOOOOThen - starting at he top left corner, draw a 'square spiral' (doesn't matter whether you go clockwise or anti--clockwise) - this will cover ALL the dots AND use only five lines !See Related Link below for a graphic.It all depends on the arrangement of the dots.Besides, there is nothing about straight lines, so used curved lines instead

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What is one half in Roman numerals?

The Romans had a separate system for fractions based on 12 (like a clock). The fractions were made up from dots and the letter S. S =1/2 and each dot was 1/12. Dots alone represented 1/12 (.) to 5/12 (::.) , S was 6/12, S and dots represented 7/12 (S.) to 11/12 (S::.) and I was one.