

Best Answer

1: four

2: No but a tin can


4: click on THE ANSWER

5: click then keep pressing and get to the other side :) (complete cheat)


7:An elephant

8:Yes ( middle of the screen to the left a bit)

9: THAT ONE ( top right)

10: Dentures ( the teeth )


12:the dot above i





17: 17 (I'm not being stupid, that's really the answer!)


19:Blue,orange,green,green,yellow (Boggy)


21: top left

22:+1 skip


24:V (Bottom left)

25:Shoe polish

26:Arsefacey ( weird isn't it?)

27:Go to 28


29:Egg mayonnaise

30: just like what you did with 5 click and drag


32:Babycham and human faeces


34: repeat 5 click and drag

35:Green smiling button after the scull

sorry got to go good luck!

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Q: How can you cheat on the worlds hardest game?
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there are none!!!!!!!!! >:)

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There is no cheat. You just have to practice...... A LOT!!!

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type in on google search arcade prehacks worlds hardest gamehope this helps!

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fhgjd3575 for level 57, but double click the title first

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type in arcade prehacks worlds hardest game

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type in arcade prehacks worlds hardest game on Googlehope this helps

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type in arcade prehacks worlds hardest game on googlehope this helps

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There is no worlds hardest game, but i think assassins creed is one of the best games out there

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