You will have to go to the arena and beat someone. in your league. Then go to and Gladiatus will glitch and you have a 81% chance of getting 1k gold. Do this once a day and your wealthy in Gladiatus, Like me!
this cheat is to skip a level in call of bieber: 2121this cheat is to run faster : 4661this cheat is for invincible : 2088this cheat is for bieberthe midget :9017this cheat is to add 5000 cash : 1212this cheat is for a bonus wallpaper : 0000
No cheat for it in GTA.
There is no cheat.
there is no cheat
Dont cheat do the work.
Mount Olympus
theodore schqwamm
Gladiatus is an online RPG game that many people play. There is 13 servers in Gladiatus.Go to to sign up.
You can't sell them at a market, only at NPC Shops.
Right now, there are no legitimate Gladiatus hacks. There are many virus-laden hacks poffered on the internet, but until you know one is safe (like finding it in a forum with people confirming it works) it's best to stay away from programs like that.
if you look at the description you'll also have the MEGAUPLOAD link to download , i found it very usefull more: Discuss:How_can_you_make_money_on_Gladiatus
Must be server 3!Put this link into you browser to get the skull helmet: =173616Be sure to have signed up first!
Agility increases chance to avoid critical hits. Not only that but it makes it harder for people to hit you. Check out this link if you need any more help with your gaming.Guide to the Comprehensive Gladiator
One game called Social Empires can be hacked, but be careful... they banned me 2 times... I use it for zoo world as well
The cheat was the cheat!Ox luv u Mark