you need bulbasaur or one of the evolutions and a ditto or again a bulbasaur or evolution of the opposite sex
To get a Bulbasaur egg you need to breed a female Bulbasaur, Ivysaur or Venusaur with either a Ditto or another male Blubasaur, Ivysaur or Venusaur. This is the only way to get one legitimately.
first catch a ditto than breed it with the balbasuar in the daycare in island 8 i think!
Bulbasaur does not evolve with a stone. Bulbasaur needs to get to a certain level, then go to "Luminous spring", select Bulbasaur, then select "evolve". If YOU are Bulbasaur, then you must get Manaphy and Palkia to join your team, and then go to "Luminous spring".
Bulbasaur is a Grass/Poison-type Pokemon.
Bulbasaur is a Grass and Poison type pokemon.
Yes, get a Bulbasaur from Professor Oak and breed it with a Ditto.
You need a Bulbasaur, Ivysaur or Venasaur. Then, breed it with a ditto in the daycare and wait until an egg is found.
put it in daycare with a ditto.
To get a Bulbasaur egg you need to breed a female Bulbasaur, Ivysaur or Venusaur with either a Ditto or another male Blubasaur, Ivysaur or Venusaur. This is the only way to get one legitimately.
Getting BulbasaurI suppose your only chance would be to receive Bulbasaur through Migration. You can get Bulbasaur in Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen. Oh, and you can breed Bulbasaur using the Day-Care.
first catch a ditto than breed it with the balbasuar in the daycare in island 8 i think!
Get an action replay, (if you can) go to where you have a list of pokemon you can get. Scroll down until you eventually come to bulbasaur. Have fun:^)
A female Venusaur and any grass or poison type male.
You can breed a male Bulbasaur or a male version of any of its evolutions with a Ditto in order to breed them so that it would result in a Bulbasaur Egg or you can use a female Bulbasaur or a female of any of its evolutions to breed with a male version of it, a Ditto or a Pokémon in the Monster or Grass egg groups such as Cubone and Marowak, Lickilicky and its pre-evolution of Lickitung, Snorlax, Kangaskhan, Larvitar and its evolutions, Aron and its evolutions, Cranidos, Rampardos, Shieldon, Bastiodon, Amaura, Aurorus, Bergmite and Avalugg.
Bulbasaur comes from the first generation series of pokemon games and those games are set in the Kanto region so that's where you would get one however Bulbasaur is a starter pokemon meaning there isn't a way to capture it rather you begin the game with it. If you choose Bulbasaur and evolve it you can breed it at Four Island to make eggs which will become more Bulbasaur you can then trade those to other games that need the pokemon.
You only get it if 1, its your starter Pokemon, or 2 you trade. You can also breed bulbasaur with Ditto and get bulbasuar egg
you cant see a bulbasaur until you beat the elite four and unlock avilabilty to use the pall park. you must migrate bulbasaur or aney of it fourms then breed . or you can use the ar. u r welcome