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If you get the app there is an area where

you can download apps and fill out surveys for free credits do not listen to this BS about sponsors. They get free credits when you buy credits if they sponsor you.

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Q: How can i get free credits in urban rivals?
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Wie bekomme ich kostenlose Credits bei Urban rivals?

Translation: How do I get free credits on Urban Rivals?

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How do I get free credits at urban rivals website,

What are codes to get credits in urban rivals?


Give cheats and hacks to urban-rivals to your email?

1000000000 credits

Is it safe to buy credits via text on urban rivals?

I brought credits via text on urban rivals for my son and it's 100-percent safe no scams or anything. but the text costs 4 dollars.

Are there any laif cheats for Urban Rivals?

Unfortunately you need to create a How_get_kolos_on_urban_rivals. Enter the following information down at the bottomSponsor: noahg330Code: ygowYou get 50 free credits! This works because that is an administration code used to help Urban Rivals employees.

Are there any laif cheats for Urban Rivals on PC?

Yes. There is only 1 cheat in the whole Urban Rivals game! Sponsor ID:Death_blade98 Password:xtencredits Lets say if you buy 100 credits, it gives you 1000 credits!

How do you cheat on urban rivals?

Unfortunately you need to create a new account Enter the following information down at the bottom Sponsor: noahg330 Code: ygow You get 50 free credits! This works because that is an administration code used to help Urban Rivals employees.

How much money do you have to pay on urban rivals to buy credits on mobile?

I don't need it in my case!I amthe creator and the one who receive your money to buy creditsIf you want 99.999.999 credits free, you have to create 10 accounts and put all in level 10 and the have to be called:Admin1 Admin2Admin3Admin4Admin5Admin6Admin7Admin8Admin9Admin10And you have to put a simple password in them and then send it to with the password of all themThat's the paymen I want if you want to have all that free credits

How do you get credits in urban rivals?

As far as i know you can only buy them with cash or a credit card

Where you can get millions of clintz and credits in Urban Rivals?

there is a working cheat on uberhackz team's website... google it "uberhackz"

What does sponsor mean on urban rivals?

What sponsor means on urban rivals is that you have to pay him/her $100,000.