You really do need an account because the games are linked to it. Just go ahead and register one, purchase and download your games from there.
The PSN is the place to go for legal PSP game downloads.
There's no Naruto games on the PSN store
Probably not unless they are Psn classics that work for ps3 and psp like final fantasy VII and VIII
It is illegal to do so if you have not bought a PSN card, entered the code on the back, and downloaded it through the PlayStation Store.
I purchased Portal 2 but accidently assigned the steam account to my sister's PSN account rather then mine. How, if possible, could I re-assign my steam account to my PSN account?
You need a PSN account before you can download games from the PSN.
To access the Japanese PSN, you need to register an account on PC, on the Japanese PSN site, and connect to the PSN on the PSP with that account.
Games are linked to the PSN account so that's not possible.
You can't run unsigned code on a PSVita, that means you need to download games from the PSN.
Having a PSN account lets you access PSN services on various Sony consoles. You can use it to purchase and download games, rent movies or play demos.
You don't need anything but the latest official firmware, to be able to download games from the PSN.
Yes you can on a PS3 with internet connection and a PSN account to purchase the games
You don't need anything other than an internet connection and a PSN account.
Not at all, PSPs can connect to the PSN to download games without needing to modify the PSP.
you can download ratchet and clank from psn. you wil need a can download ratchet and clank on your ps3 through your psn account
You just need to upgrade your firmware, then you can access the PSN to purchase and download games.
Without the latest official firmware, you can't access the PSN at all.