do all the quiz and you will have about 45 SS. Watch some videos and you have 100 SS! PLZZ send player nicekitty a gift thxx and your welcome.
hello. if u see mr_t around on secret builders add him this is one in a life time chance send him a hip hop jacket hip hop hopesters or a a web hat or a pet permet or a sb hat and he will send u a stage and up to 1,000,000 super shills depends wat u sendi sent all tht and and i got 1,000,000 super shills and a stage
it is simple train it
You have to stay on your account in secret builders for 4 hours or three. You can keep going on after 2 hours and see if it hatched.
the password is 102938475 the user is daisys189 i hope this helps!
it is somewhere inbetweeen the north and west persicly
how too get free super shills on secret
cheats for super shills OK first make ten new account's with the email registered on it then go on your normal account and click ctrl R and you computer will go to the secret builders home page then log-in again and you should have one hundred super shills.
You say convert shills to super shills and you say become a super builder and then you send the money to the po box and your account will have both shills and super shills
Right now 10-23-10 there are free super shills signs for people that are poor. You can earn up to 14 super shills. If you do it everyday in like ten days it will be gone. Earn as much as you can!
well, you see its simple. you go to 18+ and set up account. and you will get 10,904 shills. and that's all there is to it.
The club manger has to add as an assaint then you can use the clubs shils
me rockinroll99 i used to have the most shills i still have lots i went off the list on purpus because i got asked can u donate shills to our club blah blah blah u want proof the go onto secret builders on wensday this wensday at the main place im in australia and i will play at 3:00
go on dome one with cheer dress flee market and make a good offer for one they wont get super shills if they acept but u get dress
no but u need to trade and go on there login here is one dudemister password:poppy MWHAHAHAHAHAHA
well what i do i play games and go on quests and all other events (btw my name is darkshadow and im normally on quark) and there is my full answer
hello. if u see mr_t around on secret builders add him this is one in a life time chance send him a hip hop jacket hip hop hopesters or a a web hat or a pet permet or a sb hat and he will send u a stage and up to 1,000,000 super shills depends wat u sendi sent all tht and and i got 1,000,000 super shills and a stage
They are codes that you type in at secret builders and you get supershills from it.