Because It is not a special are special types-
Do you get my point
No, because gust is a flying type attack which isn't effective against rock type Pokémon. I recommend grass, water or ground type moves.
well i have beat them in Pokemon diamond and u have to gust cheap on trying to beat them
{| ! Level |- ! Move ! Type ! Category ! Power ! Accuracy | 01 Tackle normal 35 95 05 Sand-attack ground - 100 09 Gust flying 40 100 13 Quick Attack normal 40 100 17 Whirlwind normal - 100 21 Twister dragon 40 100 25 Featherdance flying - 100 29 Agility psychic - - 33 Wing Attack flying 60 100 37 Roost flying - - 41 Tailwind flying - - 45 Mirror Move flying - - 49 Air Slash flying 75 95 |}
Hoothoot cannot learn gust.
ummm really simple you gust go to the menu and press Add New Code and and insert the code and tada? umm pretty much everybody knows that.
Choose your attack like gust.
No, because gust is a flying type attack which isn't effective against rock type Pokémon. I recommend grass, water or ground type moves.
Sand Attack, Quick attack, wing attack, gust
Pidgey's moves are gust, sand attack and quick attack. As the level grows and it evolves, it can learn more stronger moves. Pidgey can learn fly even if it's not evolved yet.
because it's gust a game.
Well if you take a squartile (or that's how you spell it) your rival will take bulbasaur and if you take a pidgey and teach it wing attack and gust and deafiting kene is easy. Deafting brock is easy if you have a squartile or a bulbusaur. I suggest you go with squartile.
well i have beat them in Pokemon diamond and u have to gust cheap on trying to beat them
Gust hit with x2 damage.
In Pokémon Yellow, Pidgeotto's moves that it can learn are Sand-Attack, Gust, Quick Attack, Whirlwind, Agility, Mirror Move, Win Attack, Whirlwind, Toxic, Razor Wind, Take Down, Double-Edge, Rage, Mimic, Double Team, Reflect, Swit, Bide, Sky Attack, Fly, Substitute and Rest.
yes there are several moves but the only one i can think of is gust and there are several movesthat affect Pokemon using dig,earthquake does double damage,and magnitude as well does double damage and hits the diging Pokemon If its in the air then it probably used the move "Fly". If it did then the move that could hit it would be thunder.
i have a rigigigas but it depends on what Pokemon u are offering