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bigest pokemon ---- 5th rayquaza ---- 4th regigigas ---- 3rd dialga ---- 2nd palkia ---- 1st (ready to hear it well.... hint:it's not a legendary) the giagantic-------------------------------------------------------- WAILORD!!!!!------------------------------------------------------------------rate wisely!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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Q: How big is rayquaza?
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Related questions

What level does Rayquaza evolve?

Rayquaza currently does not have an evolution.

Where does Rayquaza go after you awaken him?

It goes to the sky pillar BIG FOOL cant search a few places

How big is Rayquaza next to a trainer?

Really big like 23 feet tall, so I'd say about 5 or 6 trainers tall!

Who is better Rayquaza Groudon or kyogre?

i think rayquaza because you need both groudon and kyogre to get rayquaza

How do you get rayquaza sapphire?

You go to the Sky Pillar in Pacifidlog.First, when you get to Pacifidlog, go east and find a room of rocks. Go to the left and you will find a cave, go in the cave. Then, go to the tall, big building and go in the building. And, past 4 floors ( you will probably need a MACH bike in order to past a couple of cracks ) . When you get to the last floor, you will see an entrance, go in there and you will find Rayquaza. To catch Rayquaza, you will need a lot of ultra balls in order to get Rayquaza. Rayquaza will be in level 70. I hope this will help you catch Rayquaza easier.Pokemon Trainer,Michele and VinceMichele : EmeraldVince: Sapphire

Who is the strongest Pokemon Rayquaza or Groudon?


Were is Rayquaza in Pokemon indigo?

Rayquaza isn't in Indigo. Rayquaza is ony in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald.

Is Rayquaza the strongest Pokemon?

First appearing in the Pokemon Ruby series, the character Rayquaza is a highly popular character in the game. Green in color and resembling a snake and dragon, Rayquaza flies and is able to negate the effects of weather.

What is betterCharizard LvX or Rayquaza LvX?

rayquaza, no doubt

Can Rayquaza make eggs?

No, Rayquaza cannot breed.

How do you catch Rayquaza in crystal?

Rayquaza isn't in Crystal.

How do you get a black Rayquaza in emerald?

Black rayquaza is the shiny color of a regular green rayquaza to capture it as a black rayquaza it takes 1 out of 8000 chances for it to appear in sky pillar when it does appear you capture it just like the normal rayquaza.