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i think rayquaza because you need both groudon and kyogre to get rayquaza

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13y ago
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13y ago

Rayquaza is best and Groudon is worst.

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Q: Who is better Rayquaza Groudon or kyogre?
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What is better Rayquaza Groudon opr Kyogre?

Rayquaza it can fly of corseanyone who looks at this is gay lol

How do you get Raqaza in Soulsilver?

To get Rayquaza, get both Groudon AND Kyogre. SoulSilver: Groudon HeartGold: Kyogre

Were do you find the Pokemon kioger in Pokemon Ruby?

You can't get Kyogre in Pokemon Ruby but you can get Kyogre in Pokemon emerald and sapphire and in ruby you only get groudon and rayquaza. In sapphire you get Kyogre and rayquaza and in emerald you can get groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza.

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In what game? In Ruby, Groudon is n Cave of Origin, before Rayquaza In Sapphire, Kyogre replaces Groudon. In Emerald, Groudon is in Terra Cave and Kyogre, Marine Cave.

After you catch Groudon kyogre and Rayquaza what do you do?

wing it

What do you do after you catch Rayquaza in heartgold?

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Can you find Groudon in Pokemon HeartGold?

No, Kyogre is for HeartGold and Groudon is for SoulSIlver. Unless, you trade with a friend or use the GTS, you can't get; latias, kyogre and rayquaza are in heartgold.Latios, Groudon, and rayquaza are in soulsilver.

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What are the three legendary Pokemon in emerald?

Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza. Groudon is the fire legendary pokemon, Kyogre is the water legendary pokemon, and Rayquaza is the air legendary pokemon.