it is harvested by eating bananas and drinking fruit punch and da ting id veddy sdupid
Leather is harvested by killing cows.
Your crops will not die from lack of water ever in a green House.
Here are some of the minerals in alphabetical order:aluminiumarsenicbismuthcalciumcopperdiamondemeraldepidotefeldspar (group of minerals)fluoritegoldgraphitehalite (AKA rock salt)hematiteironjasperkaolinitekyaniteleadmagnesiummanganesemicanickelonyxphosphorous (dietary mineral)pyrite (fool's gold)quartzquenstedtiterhodiumrubyselenitesilvertalctinulexiteumber (natural brown clay)vauxitevermiculitewolframitexenotimexonotliteyttrialiteyttroceritezinc (dietary mineral)zirconPlease note that Wikipedia has an excellent mineral list under "list of minerals."
Crops are harvested; minerals are mined. Nickel mines are messy, as most mines are.
Artificial fertilisers are used on soils because once the crops are harvested the soil is left without many minerals. The minerals they need are kept in the ground even if the crops are harvested with the help of artificial fertilisers. This is beneficial for the soil because it prevents the fields from laying fallow (where no crops are grown).
there are harvested in the spring
Oil is not harvested, crops are harvested. Oil is explored and is normally pumped out of the ground.
It's not harvested, it is made in a factory!
It is conventionally harvested in Sep. or Oct.
Seahorses are not harvested commercially. They are, however, important food in the chain for many of the commercially harvested fish.
A complete carbohydrate contains all known minerals, in proper proportions that are needed by the human body. Sources of complete carbohydrates include wild-harvested cactus, sea vegetables and others.
A complete carbohydrate contains all known minerals, in proper proportions that are needed by the human body. Sources of complete carbohydrates include wild-harvested cactus, sea vegetables and others.
Seawater is harvested for various purposes such as desalination to produce fresh water, extraction of minerals like salt and magnesium, aquaculture for farming seafood, and for scientific research on marine ecosystems.
When is squash harvested? How and why was this important to the survival of the early colonist?