There father is ken .
Also scorpion thought that sub zero killed ther father but really he didnt kill ther father that's why scorpion hates sub
Scorpion is a palette swap of Sub-Zero, just like Luigi is to Mario. That's why he clearly doesn't have a full story in the first game.
I don't know which ones they are for but heres 14 scorpion,boot,paw,snake paw,scorpion,skull,bat skull,track,centipede,spider centipedespider,boot,scorpion snake,scorpion,boot,spider paw,track,croc,skull croc,skull,centipede,spider track,snake,bat,skull spider,boot,bat,croc snake,centipede,boot,croc scorpion,paw,track,snake croc,snake,paw,scorpion bat,centipede,croc,skull bat,track,skull,paw
You pass out on the ground when you see a scorpion because it bit you. Then you will end up back at your house.
When the platforms appear jump onto them and quickly hurt Wilfre then bottom bounce on the scorpion. Do that 3 times then Wilfre will go crazy for beating his scorpion and then you verse him. When he goes down hit him. Watch out for stars and the things he throws.
subzero and scorpion are both really good but subzero is better because he shoots ice out of his body he becomes a cyborg and he is in every mortal kombat game
Scorpion got revenge and killed subzero. after Liu Kang defeated Goro, Scorpion battled and killed Subzero. His soul descended into the 5th plane of the netherrealm, and he was reborn as the wraith, Noob Saibot.
Scorpion is a palette swap of Sub-Zero, just like Luigi is to Mario. That's why he clearly doesn't have a full story in the first game.
no, scorpion is sub-zeros brother and smoke is scorpions , cousin and noob is subzeros brother and scorpion and rain is cousin. but rain was scorpions uncle but he died so rains child be rain and the child was scorpions cousin ....
No. Subzero Was Slayn Bye Scorpion Turning Him into Noob But Noobs Brother Took His Place as The New Subzero Bound To Pureify His Brothers Dark Soul... ( noob's Soul ) Noob = Subzero's Brother So The Original Subzero is Now Noob The Subzero in #2 is His Brother Wrong. Sub-Zero killed Scorpion, Scorpion comes back from hell to get revenge on Sub-Zero. No youre wrong. The first guy was wright wrong, im gay. the person who said Sub-Zero killed Scorpion, Scorpion comes back from hell to get revenge on Sub-Zero. your right because in MC vs DCU scorpion is the hell guy yea yea and he comes back to destroy sub-zero as in chapter `1 with lui kang scorpion say " NO you let him get away again~! now you will suffer my wrath. Actually acorrding to the game there was a sub zero that killed scorpion then Quan chi ressurected him then scorpion killed sub zero. Then sub zeros brother noob became the new subzero which scorpion is currently trying to kill.
No, but Sub Zero does have a brother. I believe his brother is Noob Smoke.
i think scorpion would win but it makes sense that sub-zero fans would say sub-zero so technicelly i cant answer that.
The elder brother of Sub Zero was previously also called subzero. But after his defeat by Scorpion he returned from netherealm and was named Noob Saibot.
The earwig is related to a scorpion and so is the snake. Earwigs are very close to scorpions as they can also sting.
a scorpion is an arachnid a class of insects
A scorpion is an arachnid.
Scorpius, the scorpion.