FMJ means Full Metal Jacket and it is just deep impact from Call of Duty 4.
01 Curse of the Full Moon, 02 Bane of the Family, 03 Cursed Wedding, 04 Under the Crimson Moon.
No. Some explode into fragments, while others remain intact with little deformation. It mainly depends on the target, the velocity of the bullet, and the composition and shape of the bullet. Plastic deformation in soft metals is well documented, and bullet designers try to one or more goals in a bullets design. Some bullets are made to penetrate very deeply with little deformation (full metal jacket bullets as used in battle). Others are designed to deform to 2 to 3 times their original diameter while staying intact to transfer as much energy as possible to the target without fully penetrating it, hollow point handgun ammunition, and large game heavy bullets. Other bullets are designed to fragment into small particles upon impact usually for varmint hunting, or for safety issues when shooting in populated areas (glassier safety slugs). A low velocity bullet that has a full metal jacket penetrating very soft target may show little deformation. This might be true in the case of ballistic gelatin being used for a target during forensic analysis. On the other hand, a full metal jacket hollow point .22 caliber, going 3000 feet per second or faster will probably explode into tiny fragments upon hitting even a soft target such as ground squirrel.
Because they are both full of cross words.
The only cheats for MGS came on the Action Replay/Xploder disk, Which is a full cheat suite disk.
On (the Internet Movie Script Database) is the script for Full Metal Jacket. That movie contains pretty much every cuss word in the English language.WikiAnswers is not going to list curse words, sorry.
Full Metal Jacket.
a magazine full of live rounds//Full Metal Jacket means: A full metal covering of the led bullet which is usually copper. A magazine full of live rounds would have rounds (bullets) with a Full Metal Jacket. :D
"Full Metal Jacket" was filmed in England ~ see related link below for additional information .
Full Metal Jacket. The lead core is covered by a thin jacket of metal.
A full metal jacket (or FMJ) is a bullet consisting of a soft core (usually made of lead) encased in a shell of harder metal .
Full Metal Jacket
full metal jacket
tmj thin metal jacket (bullet) fmj full metal jacket (bullet)
A bullet with a full metal jacket has a tendency to ricochet pretty hard after hitting the targets. This is why at most indoor and outdoor ranges bullets with full metal jackets are banned.