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Use a fire type to shoot flames at it.

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Q: How Do You Defeat A Steelix?
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How do you defeat go rock squads Steelix?

what I did was when the steelix spins in a circle, you quickly draw your circles around it, but be careful not to touch it!! plusle and minun can not shock it, sadly.

In pearl how can you evolve your steelix?

steelix does not evolve

When was Steelix created?

Steelix was created in 1996.

What level does steelix evolve?

Steelix is a Steel and Ground type pokemon.

Can steelix evolve?

No, Steelix is the evolved and final form of Onix

How do you get thought victory road into the Pokemon league in Pokemon platinum?

you need to buy super potions and have water Pokemon to defeat steelix or graveler /golbat mackoke is A GOOD ONE

How do you get a steelix in soul silver?

If you want to get a Steelix you must give it a item, called a Metal Coat to a Onix, and Then trade it to a friend, and it will evolve to Steelix.

Is there a trainer with a Steelix in Pokemon Pearl?

Yes; Leader Byron has a Steelix in Canvalve City.

Where do you get a steelix in ruby?

there are no steelix in saphire,emerald and ruby version. hope my answer can help you! if you want to get a steelix you have to give an onix a "steel coat" and via trade it. after you trade it, it will automatically evolve.

How can you defeat elite four luciana?

Well i can't actually tell you how to beat him but i beat him with a:tortera,staravia,dialga,steelix,and,ah,i don't kno w my last Pokemon but that's it.

What safari zone can you catch steelix?

You cannot capture a Steelix in anywhere, much less a Safari Zone. The only way to get a Steelix is to trade an Onix with a Metal Coat attached. In the HeartGold and SoulSilver versions, you can also get trade for her Steelix after you battle Jasmine for a rematch.

What Pokemon does not have a unique type combination Lucario Steelix Gengar Heatran Girafarig Bibarel or Froslass?
