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look for your robo if you have all the movies then find it and it will help you.

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Q: Help on combo battle 9 for custom robo arena?
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You are not able to change the lineup in battle arena (battle frontier). What they play is partially strategy as well as you are advised to have tactics in lining. For instance like me, I use Swampert (ground and water) followed by Swellow (not a good flying but can help against Swampert's weakness) and then a Magneton (an extra just in case...).

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Maternity pants can be custom fitted with the help of a good tailor.

Where can one find information about the Germain arena?

Ticketmaster can help sell people tickets to Germain arena. On their website all the concerts and bookings are easy to view. Germain Arena is open as people have said that if one visits the arena the officials can provide good information on the arena history or events it holds.

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could you guys help

What do the scores do the Game-makers give the Tributes mean?

Its there to help the tributes get sponsors for when there in the arena.

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The chair caster is the person that is designed to help build custom chairs. Thus they would be able to rebuild your custom chairs.

In an arena how should you mount your horse?

You could either: 1. Get on yourself if no-one is around to help you. 2. Ask someone for a leg-up. 3. If in the arena there is a mounting block, then use that.