Yes she was tied up in an episode of one day at a time, along with Bonnie Franklin. it was her birthday and she had to work at the sporting goods store, so they decided to suprise her, and a robber tied them all up
'Bound' means unable to move 'Gagged' means unable to speak because a person's mouth has been covered with a cloth or something of that nature. 'Tied up' means a rope, wire or other material is constricting someone. Basically the whole sentence means someone who is unable to speak or move because he/she is tied up and unable to speak because something has been placed in his/her mouth
Girls have been gagged often in the Pokemon series. In the episode "The Misty Mermaid", two of Misty's sisters were tape gagged. In the episode "Just Add Water", Misty and a male were gagged with tape. In the special "Raikou, the legend of thunder" the female character Marina was gagged over the mouth with cloth. and tied up May has been gagged, and tied up rope and web in a few episodes. In the Pokemon manga, Dawn has been chloroformed 3 tiems and socks gagged and tied up in rope and web in wil be on the show and Flannery has been tape gagged and tied up and beer feet. misty sister have tie her up and tape her motuh and misty tied her sister lili up and tape her motuh an then ash and dawn where chair tied and gagged with no shoes and socks in Pokemon manga max and may where trap in a net then tied up and gagged in Pokemon manga and marina get tied up and tape gagged in manga in Pokemon manga may and misty get chlorformed 3 times and in Pokemon manga misty and her sister lile where tied up and gagged by by by there 2 sisters and ni manga may dawn marina misty and her sister lili get tied up in a 2 prat epsiode and gagged in the 2 episdoe and in Pokemon manga a boy who them rocket tied up tie may and dawn up sying there with them what when did this happen
How long have you been in USA or How long you have been in USA.?
People have been hunting since the dawn of history. people have been poaching since land and the animals became possessions.
there have been 64 quake games
Valerie Bertinelli was married to Eddie Van Halen from 1981 until 2005. Their divorce wasn't finalized until 2007, but she's been dating a financial planner since 2004.
Callie Shaw from the Hardy Boys series has been bound and gagged in various books throughout the series, but the exact number of times is not explicitly documented. It is a common trope in mystery novels to have characters in danger, such as being bound and gagged, to heighten suspense and add to the storyline.
Never. She has only been held and silenced with a tentacle in the movies. In the animated series she has been cuffed and bound with seaweed, but never gagged.
No, although Nancy was knocked unconscious twice and kidnapped after being chloroformed into unconsciousness, the bad guys never bound or gagged her, a big mistake on their part!
Nancy Drew has been bound and gagged in dozens of books usually after she has been knocked unconscious. An example is in Ringmasters Secret when Nancy has a cloth held over her nose and mouth and unable to breath, Nancy faints. When she wakes up Nancy has been tied and gagged and dumped in a railway wagon
Eddie has been married twice: First wife was Valerie Bertinelli, who he divorced many years ago, and in 2009, he married Janie Liszewski
She's been tied up, but sadly she's not been gagged..
The Hardy Boys have been bound and gagged multiple times throughout their various adventures in the book series. This is often a common plot device used to create suspense and challenge the characters as they work to free themselves and solve the mystery at hand.
No Sailor Moon was never gagged. However there are fan fictions that have been written that have Sailor Moon being gagged.
Tammy Wallace has: Performed in "Toe Addiction" in 2001. Performed in "Foot-Massage Magic" in 2001. Performed in "Bound and Gagged Bride" in 2001. Performed in "Soleful" in 2001. Performed in "Naughty Nylons" in 2001. Performed in "Bound and Gagged Beauties" in 2001. Performed in "Trapped in Tape" in 2002. Performed in "Tickle Time" in 2003.
'Bound' means unable to move 'Gagged' means unable to speak because a person's mouth has been covered with a cloth or something of that nature. 'Tied up' means a rope, wire or other material is constricting someone. Basically the whole sentence means someone who is unable to speak or move because he/she is tied up and unable to speak because something has been placed in his/her mouth