Hey it IS Wicked Wickz here and yes I have been banned. Sadly it WAS a hacker cause NO ONE knew my pass and it happened why I was sleeping one night. :(
She is not your just saying that cause your jealous. Why dont you stop calling ppl lesbians and get a Girlfriend (or boyfriend) =)
No, Jinzo has never been banned.
You don't once it's been banned it is gone forever.
some people have been banned from black ops for creating inappropriate emblems. some have been banned for hacking the game. you can always check the terms and conditions if you are worried.
It depends on the server. Some people ban you for a longer amount of time than others. Improved: When you try to join a server and it says "You have been temp-banned for (time)" You will be unbanned after that period of time. But if it says "You have been banned from this server." Your are banned for life.
She is not your just saying that cause your jealous. Why dont you stop calling ppl lesbians and get a Girlfriend (or boyfriend) =)
You may only be banned for 2 days depending on how bad the mod is
It was considered a sinful, wicked place.
I'm not aware of any product or item known as the "wicked dread root." If you can provide more context or details, I may be able to offer more specific information.
The Wicked Dreadroot is unrestricted in both Advanced and Traditional Formats, therefore you can use three per deck.
it has not been "banned".
Banned from what? To my knowledge, it hasn't been banned, and has been on TV.
it has never been banned
It hasn't been banned, at least not in United States. However, Hot Coffee Mod has been removed from most of the games and has been banned. The game itself isn't banned.
If you tried to sign in it would say YOU HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM HABBOK if u are playing habbok and u get banned then u will get signed of and it will say you have been banned
no cause that is the reason your banned
No, Jinzo has never been banned.