"FR holy woman" is almost always "STE," the abbreviation for the French word Sainte called for because of the abbreviation in the clue. Perhaps it was plural.
Ste. is a French abbreviation for sainte, which is a female saint.
jesus or (more commonly in crossword puzzles) abbot
These are names from the website christnotes.orgGaalGaashGabbaiGabbathaGabrielGadGadarenesGaddiGaddielGaiusGalalGalatiaGaleedGalileeGallimGallioGamalielGammadimsGamulGarebGarmitesGatamGathGath-rimmonGazaGazabarGazerGazezGazzamGebaGebalGeberGebimGedaliahGederGederothaimGehaziGelilothGemalliGemariahGennesaretGenesisGenubathGeraGerarGergesenesGerizimGershomGershonGeshurGetherGethsemaneGeuelGezerGiahGibbarGibbethonGibeahGibeonGiddelGideonGideoniGihonGilalaiGilboaGileadGilgalGilohGimzoGinathGirgashiteGispaGittah-hepherGittaimGittitesGoathGobGogGolanGolgothaGoliathGomerGomorrahGoshenGozanGudgodahGuniGurGur-baal
"FR holy woman" is almost always "STE," the abbreviation for the French word Sainte called for because of the abbreviation in the clue. Perhaps it was plural.
A French holy woman is 'une sainte' in French.
A French holy woman is 'une sainte' in French.
Ste. That's the abbreviation for "Sainte" meaning holy
Ste. is a French abbreviation for sainte, which is a female saint.
une sainte; ex: Sainte Jeanne d'Arc.
holy, good, pure
St. (an abbreviation of Saint)
Hazy or holy.
The french word for holy is "saint" or "sacré."
Four letter mild oath starting with h= heck