suspend (or in an other meaning: execute)
A four letter word starting with the letter a is able.
Four letter words:theytidytinytobytonytorytraytroy
Several four letter words begin with the letter q. However, there are no four letter words that begin with the letter q and end with the letter o.
Some four letter words with the first letter f are:facefadefailfairfallfamefarmfastfearfeedfeelfeetfestfilefillfilmfinefirefirmfishfistflapflatflewflitflipflitflopfluefoalfoamfoldfolkfoodfoolfootforkformfortfourfrayfreefretfromfuelfullfumefuryfussfuzz
suspend, adjourn
You suspend a running (foreground) job by using the suspend keystrokes (usually ^Z). A background job can be suspended from the background if it understands the suspend or other user kill signals. In general, however, you have to bring the background program into the foreground and then suspend it by using the action listed above.
suspend (or in an other meaning: execute)
suspend (or in an other meaning: execute)
The verb for suspense is "to suspend."
Examples: I hoped the principal would not suspend me. Suspend the crate in the air, with a rope.
Examples: I hoped the principal would not suspend me. Suspend the crate in the air, with a rope.
Suspended is the past participle of suspend.
The past tense of suspend is suspended.