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Here is a list of names for a yellow puffle:









Miss Artsy






& Funnykid111

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Q: For clubpenguincom what are the best names for a yellow puffle?
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How do you get the new puffle hair in Club Penguin?

Well,Heres the best answer.Its a unlocked item.To get it, You have to get the 4" Yellow puffle.Ok?

What is the best pink puffle names?

Prolly cherry... strawberry is also a good one... hope this helpsss XD

What color puffle is the best in puffle launch club penguin?

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What is the best puffle?

the best is eilte puffle but you think the rainbow and golden puffle is the best but they too hard need a cheat plus a code and they are not real too well only the only to get em to work for club penguin but the eilte puffle iis easy to get than golden and rainbow puffle

What is the best name for a red puffle?

the best name for your puffle is anything you want it to be the best name for you is the name you want it for me it is fiery hot

What is the best puffle in Club Penguin?

Maybe the black puffle because it is so adventurous and it has an firing power.

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What is the best party on club penguin?

its the puffle i say from sillygedye

How do you get food for your puffle on Club Penguin?

To get food for your puffle, go to the Pet Store in the Plaza and look at the Furniture Catalog. Puffle food is in the back of the book, available to members and non-members. Buy one of each so you can tell what your puffle likes best. Mostly, puffles like pizza, Puffle O's and cookies. Sometimes they'll eat their carrots and sometimes they won't! The food will be in your igloo's inventory when you go Home. (To go to your igloo, click on the little house icon at the bottom right.) Click on your puffle, then on the Cookie icon on the right. Drag a food item to your puffle.

Why are yellow crayons the best?

actually blue crayons are the best, i dont know why yellow would be the best that is just stupid. and its neither blue or yellow its red.