Five letter words with I in the middle: * brink * brine * brisk * bring * bride * cling * crime * clink * cried * drink * dried * drill * elite * flirt * fried * faint * grill * grime * grind * hoist * moist * noise * print * prize * pride * prime * paint * quiet * quite * raise * slide * swing * saint * smile * stink * skirt * stiff * skill * seize * Swiss
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Some five letter words with U in the middle are:abuseazurebluntblurbblushbrushchurnchumpclumpcrushdauntdoubtdruidfluidfruitgourdgrumpgrunthaunthoundhousejoustlousemauvemousemouthplushpoundroughroundroutesaucesautesoundsouthtouchvouchyouth
Some five letter words with L in the middle are:agletaglowailedallayalleyallotallowalloyatlasbaldybalmybalsabelaybelchbeliebellybelowbilgebulgebulkybullybylawcellociliacoliccoloncolordallydelaydelftdeltadelvedillydollyfalsefelonfilchfillyfilthfoliofollyfullygollyhalvehelixhellohillyidleriglooinlayinletisletjellyjollyjulepmelonmilkymolarmulchnylonphloxpilafpilotpolarpoliopolkapolyppulsepylonrallyrelaxrelayrelicrulersaladsalsasaltysalvesalvosilkysolarsolidsolvesulfasulkysullysylphtallytalontelextuliptulleuplitvaletvalidvalorvaluevalvewaltzwelshzilch
5 letter words with Y in the middle: * foyer * keyed * loyal * layer * maybe * payee * payed * royal * rayon * tryst
Some three letter words that have an A in the middle are:bagbahbanbarbatbaycabcadcamcancapcarcatcawcaydabdaddamdayeareatfadfanfarfatfaxgabgadgaggalgapgasgayhadhaghamhasHathayjabjamjarjawjaylabladlaglaplawlaymadmanmapmarmatmawmaynabnagnapnaypadpalpanparpatpawpayragrahramranrapratrawraysadsagsapsatsawsaxsaytabtadtagtamtantaptartattaxvanvatwadwagwanwarwaswaxwayyakyamyapyawzap
Julep, jumbo and jumpy are five letter words. Additional five letter words include junky and juror.