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It is bad to eat Fast food. please Study how fast foods are being made...what chemicals goes into it and then study their effects on the body.

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Q: Eating fast food isn't bad if you only eat it once a week?
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On harvest moon island of happiness were do you get food?

You can buy food from the Dinner and Cafe once they open. Or after you upgrade your house you can buy a kitchen and make food yourself.

Fast ways to make money in runescape?

Do woodcutting once lvl 60 you can get millions in a week if you play a lot

What is updating in minecraft 1.8?

Bleh, where to start where to start. Well there are new food items like melons, pumpkins, steak, and chicken. Including food, a food bar has been added that will increase your health when it is full. Along with the food bar is an EXP bar. A whole new world generator that makes biomes bigger and more realistic. Random ravines and villages will be spawned (NPC's will be in the villages in 1.9). Strongholds (Underground chambers) have been randomly been spawning (You can only pretty much see one once in a life time). Bow animations, eating animations, sprint option, and a creative mode, just have fun and build. There's alot more but thats all the major ones

How do you defeat bowser in the dark world on super Mario 63?

Once you have confronted Bowser, run past him and grab his tail. Spin him around by moving the control stick in a circle. Once he's going fast enough, throw him into a spiked bomb. He will give you a key which will lead to the basement.

When does the UFO come in animal crossing wild world?

Its all random through out the day, it only appears once a day. If you're not on you're ds it can still go even if you're not playing, the UFO moves fast, so you have to pull out you're slingshot fast, also its much easier with the golden slingshot.

Related questions

How much fast food should you eat each week?

I wouldn't recommend eating fast food at all, if I were you. I understand it is tempting to eat fast food every once in a while... but too much "junk" is just simply bad for your health.Fast food should not be eaten everyday, however, once or twice a month would be fine. When eating fast food, choosing the healthier foods available would be better.

Why should you avoid fast food?

yes we should keep fast foods because its good to have fast food every once and a while but not all the time people just need to slow down on eating fast food and eat healthier foods

How do you fast once a week?

The word fast in this context means not eating.

Is eat fast food every day of th week and weekend?

Yes, it is perfectly fine to eat fast food once in a while. Your body needs fats to run. Too much is bad, though, like going to McDonalds once a week. Going to McDonalds once or twice a months if fine, though.

Why is eating fast food isn't bad if you only ea it once a week?

it is a opinion because some people might think it is bad,but others might think it is ok

Is it good to eat too much fast food?

Its good from the point of view of the fast food companies Update: Eating too much fast food is unhealthy for you period. Eating it once in a little while will not hurt your diet. Eating too much fast food can lead to high cholesterol, increased body weight and other health problems. You can't ahve something listed as both "too much" and "good´"(for you) at the same time. When you say you've had too much of anything, that automatically means there's something bad with it.

What is univore?

The eating of just one kind of food or eating once a day.

What type of food should a ten year old boy eat?

he should be eating very healthy. once in awhile a little sweets & fast food.very little

How often should you eat at a fast food restraunt and why?

once every week so you dont get fat fattys eating mcdonalds and taco bell ITS GROSS FATTYS

What are fast ways to get stronger?

Workout all the time, I would recommend lifting weights, exercising and eating healthy. Don't eat junk food you can once in a while but not all the time.

What are some healthy choices?

eating the right way like eating a salad only eating junk food once in a while

How many people eat fast food every day?

There is a total of 3 million fast food restraurants There is a total of 3 million fast food restraurants