Enter one of the following passwords to unlock the Red Potara version of that character in Duel mode. Note: The passwords do not use the letters "O" or "I".Character PasswordAndroid #8 6kcf+ @lvj0 -yBz2 x?
V7W8H 8z?Hl C4!r# M9 Android #13 099T0 VW%5b 3t&Cm S!
s)fQL XlN5# hf#z$ CV Android #16 $jY2f sK%*g jY55x pJ
S8&F( 6&Ws@ 7Sb9? 1V Android #17 F9@3% FYNtz @0#wD d2
Py602 J-q4& lwHZB fV Android #18 mkSFw +DPnr nx6qW !x
GPJT? 6N2k@ $CJ?6 -- Android #19 2cGy) 1z0B3 63HCS Dt
pBk*T rmZyY L5c3q CZ Appule BLM@0 d*@nJ 8#8S+ )f
q7f8D t+Yh( z$QPS 1! Arale 0Qkc2 S#!nS #(y!$ C7
Mp8*s 3jX1M 6XXn2 P$ Babidi DT+-z lQkHl WnHn% jp
q?@1Q @$90F 8Rd3x LV Baby Vegeta (&!!( B7886 WhYnn Lv
GLL$g xfLz$ t?R-l SL Bardock j0RHf *(YrP -j4ml #G
xK(CT -3Kjc 3rh50 9Y Bojack 6cHZ7 WV)cY l+JC0 L&
*ynTD wKZV% qG*Jp bV Broly 6*G?q +0P?p (?7LS Dj
(lgv4 5m4!k 8$v(8 v? Burter q*qR8 1kghT Nh9kS !v
NdMxP 4SG8T PNbfm j( Cell 1yCbW 7rL#P nRcWP Rv
F5HYN X7sRf *BZ+4 1J Cell Jr. 9hVKP 5F&%Q ?HmW2 !y
c*)W4 Z7f4f rbZzC +5 Chiaotzu &hz9M bm3%2 pF+8W 7@
B)0BV p#YKv @0d9L 9* Chi-Chi VkQN( q#z?K 0?QBK Lq
PC$W( Rd7V2 w+Gj4 &S Cooler G3b9n fj?54 tCn+r Z!
!V4kq SkvHc 5DPX? Wf Cui n*cHH dkhCV JLCKq %C
SP+-8 (rXbv fXptR -d Cyborg Tao C79%0 B0%+- Xn!7n QH
F$*pJ DSVt6 9hyzN jN Dabura hp?lT vycM- @1z?3 @j
*LWC9 6GBdC B9@$R F) Demon King Piccolo TR-0J 7f12k gf?FS z8
9WB@j y9@B2 cPnCg mb Devilman BkgF3 NkMWF f5ff& 73
PTZJX V5@@r L)xZP DP Dodoria FQ+73 z#vDL MCGM0 cb
LnFvD 8fGB@ 7lfWz +3 Dr. Gero pBSZc !nP0V ZjD*N +b
cmPxq dsSJ$ +Q-X% kx Dr. Wheelo )FsKb Q$2GC fYJNN ws
QhLGb 3SW7c zvzS) fZ Evil Buu lTWKx lLtLF y3+0$ @n
T5F1l h&0#t T)2+4 4+ Fasha csn-c 3)C5J r)z(f 4t
fV?gQ W0T!y VblDs #f Frieza K3vBF dcrSD nYz9r NR
JLJS9 t4j4! Jr1z% 9k Frieza Soldier +66df LR8Qw 3HtY2 +2
$HzFh l*G0r )j69) D3 Future Gohan zKtY@ 5dn#5 0%x6b Vy
Vf(8c chX?? fWq+k KQ Garlic Jr. Q*)Zq xs%&@ KgrjL mx
1Vg0j 04Jg? #fW5x Mw General Blue v2+Xb Bll#B Kcn8J XN
Ms5f9 HqnP2 Rh?zh x& General Tao 15%lM xxySd h(fd? $K
gRzfc +CXy+ 0G)hW d2 Ginyu 19Myd mWdMK gB$HZ MS
@Q#4q HVWJ- bCX!SsH Gohan 2kX?) 8kJQk j9X0q KD
b8RQ9 bq)Sv 8%V5Z ?C Goku (early) S+2wR ffGkp F2R96 Y!
cQ*x2 K!0pC $NQXM $2 Goku (mid) ?Pr8z NK@yv jDfF% xJ
F3xd% wQG@W BR0-W y4 Goku (end) bJGN) 1#&K5 *l!%$ MD
c0gsW NLsfH $lCZR -q Goten zk*9! $6h81 P%B&t Sg
@8MTZ T@11p (294n KD Grandpa Gohan ccgjm Q8DFD zlBdG JD
Flrl0 XlvD4 cQ2H@ pw GT Goku TT5bz g1ky- Y-?fv 3L
H2X-g $yW!R #5B)q (? Guldo SGZQL @KBf9 PH5q0 Kx
@VSX2 4&HKV ny!VM dF Hercule lH8c2 *7+5- #RT?# mB
sVzl% n3FVn 4D290 S7 Hirudegarn %@93) s0jW5 TYvM8 )m
rwc!H MynyB gdD)6 09 Janemba @-w*& 3)sWx q0$m5 #3
R27nX 5mr8X *n9Qp -P Jeice 4S@%D -XbNF #f)DT sC
CzkLX T+fFX K0yjM VL Kid Buu +kh8l ?Pxt$ mbv+t *g
$s?C2 XKYfx ZR&3J Z3 Kid Gohan 7MD-x vq3(1 %#BkJ j*
m@&c- MjZqB DT6D? Ns Kid Goku 6cm9Q y6cZd (mTS0 Y6
+TBy2 hv#!L (q63b cg Kid Trunks S8k3j vFg0t WKWV! vL
CF@jS KPZyl C3?yp Pm King Cold pJjP5 q6WlX 2sWgb Qz
9*+Sr MhDtM n#KBt (- King Vegeta mSW4V ?HfTv 8p!*5 z*
S$YB( -sNg# yGQ98 bX Krillin c7wQ@ jjR64 T&glr F2
n$@%q 7!0r9 Pnysg DC Majin Buu Kc0g7 zM8P& 03YnZ )-
7%kGy K$)Q% fS0rX gY Majin Vegeta h5mQ7 94BKd lGZhW nd
kRbC$ (y%pJ 7c4T% Wv Mecha Frieza $*@Tg jwF9w BN5n4 #*
*?jHD tbvJM psKDT lX Meta-Cooler lJwLy C!64m x4*Rj *s
!%Yk3 ?g#+# Xh-DX 2H Nail ZkcWC L$M%? *ScHN YC
Dn*v$ fFDhs d#(&M zd Nam rF1$R C(xfk 6l9Ld rn
Rhf%c (x$34 clfMM xH Nappa gT+30 PGJhF 8lv99 Zn
(MZZm xgvTQ cG46K q8 Nuova Shenron @489V m4Nz% PrTpN zj
pnG4D pq)4? *yzlN 4K Pan l)hWr 0#9mm !hPx) Db
mXcMP J$lw7 snj7n z0 Piccolo (early) 14qnm F$+vV rjqVm Nd
vyBd$ 6jt6g bWt1w g$ Piccolo (end) $mkc- rBKgX c4j*q (N
Bl4l? s2%dB J1bjp nH Pikkon Z7rY8 FLX4P 1Z%gq Y7
8+2Nq 9pn@t Hk%Yq vc Pilaf Machine 0%fDD &x9kk xVZgC XJ
nrwps (+Tnx qTc(m w$ Raditz mJbsF 3-N)9 nsLDl (Z
qbSg4 3Mt2* l?kK) Pl Recoome z5*0W &R(qD PQLF( 4Y
C(D7L srl$G gD0%c ?% Roshi jK#dd 3)p+q #L0wf !#
Cc8@b 35Fg5 RdzsY DN Saibamen v9SKL &MbMb %)0SM ZB
3nK&) L$6qq 83Kwk Pj Salza kQ6d$ @qZd% r&Bn# 6$
6NRWW T5p5D y8Y(V Jb Slug G#65$ jd-Qk 9r5NL Wx
bPF2L XFjFL kpyp( db Spopovich t(7@x 7W?y( )7RXd cl
KTBlH Sp&+B *mYg6 rF SSJ4 Vegeta 3Njf# Sn&W* WM+jy Wj
+X-5+ CJH+4 Nby-3 0M Super 17 4HZ@g lcfhb RW93b s8
yQ5Cz (LTQ$ KwL3C 9X Super Buu hlC-2 SGFTY r7HNR 2x
Cc!b$ Gs23& gt7sK 1C Supreme Kai $MS-n dzc$$ p#D8L 8b
@J(87 4kV++ %fZb5 4v Syn Shenron 6&b+F 93)88 cpK6+ L$
xj+v% !grGW F@gSw &p Tambourine YhSvT dSP4$ MdRl# X$
kcBZ( +KKnM vdMrZ KD Tapion ghcFh 6+6t1 SMG9T 83
62#Y2 tXVNb )K5yy Hh Teen Gohan ZDK-V @c?v@ Cq(r7 z?
GbhlF !-bt) g7q-? jM Tien gTRYn hpJgn G)9%6 7H
&DyVf bbBYp 09hSf G7 Trunks knL?2 w65wh T5(PQ QV
BsN$- cp?b6 7Wwf% Lf Trunks (sword) tpcBk kx(mW &NJ+? xm
wf9Nv z$M*7 8vM+2 -W Turles yt#P3 #rKW8 wJcB0 tY
MqTqc ?!4fF Dp$zr fg Ultimate Gohan 8Gr7v VgXT+ J&-f0 w4
0p1g1 Y(%K# GSpF4 bt Uub F#cnL 7zjGj jfP)g CD
QQD$H 4M$F+ fkW$$ %k Vegeta H?vy# q%H8w 6F(Wx H3
DsW?c C3-NB vZ@Vf Vegeta (Scouter) S0VVV lfNjB $&$ G5
*tT0l H07K2 Gj$4g 2? Vegeta (second form) kMPL8 JCC1s 9n96M 7h
HvTBh #zmX0 *+BQf 5N Videl $Y0Hr 7HH3b 3Pck% 51
VyQjM 8f+c# cxFc1 wG Yajirobe Y%yL1 3JC%d d?W5+ hz
42rnX t7SgF D-T4G Jl Yamcha gZk4T R5t7p ll&9P h9
Pf)@p nTLPh ZQjV9 +# Zangya sx#J% 1mdcl 4r6W3 w0
l7$V4 &XVH) hJ+jt Bs Zarbon -t5C8 r1rpj &Bj)? fs
(pWxS -*6rf 00C7j jr
Have a saved game file from Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2 on your memory card to unlock characters in Versus mode that you unlocked in Dragon Ball Z: Budokai Tenkaichi 2.
Successfully complete thirty missions in 100 Mission mode to unlock Survival mode.
Successfully complete Red Shenron's Wish to unlock the Capital City stage.
Successfully complete Shenron's Wish to unlock the Desert Day stage.
Win the Yamcha Game Level 2 to unlock the Desert Evening stage.
Win the Cell Game Level 2 to unlock the Desert Night stage.
Successfully complete the Dragon History Special Saga "Janemba" to unlock the Janemba Hell stage.
Successfully complete Shenron's Wish to unlock the Mt. Paozu stage.
Successfully complete the Dragon History Dragon Ball Saga "Decisive Battle in Holy Place" to unlock the Muscle Tower stage.
Successfully complete Red Shenron's Wish to unlock the Penguin Village stage.
Successfully complete the indicated task to unlock the corresponding character: Akkuman: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Unexpected Messiah" in Dragon History.Android 08 (Hatchan in Japanese version): Successfully complete the What If Saga "Affectionate Android" in Dragon History.Arale: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Dream Match: Goku vs. Arale" in Dragon History.Babidi: Successfully complete the Majin Buu Saga "Farewell To The Proud Warrior" in Dragon History.Cyborg Tao-Pai-Pai: Win Level 2 in the Otherworld Tournament.Devilman: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Unexpected Help" in Dragon History.Dr. Wheelo: Successfully complete the Special Saga "Strongest In The World" in Dragon History.Fasha (Seripa): Win Level 3 in the Yamcha Game.General Blue: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Penguin Village" in Dragon History.Gohan (Future): Wish from Shenron.Goku (GT): Successfully complete the Dragon Ball GT Saga "Immortal Monster" in Dragon History.Kid Chi-Chi: Wish from Red Shenron.King Cold: Win Level 3 in the Cell Game.King Piccolo: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Goku Strikes Back" in Dragon History.King Vegeta: Successfully complete the What If Saga "Galaxy Battle" in Dragon History.Nail: Successfully complete the Frieza Saga "Super Saiyan!?" in Dragon History.Nam: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Ceiling vs. Ground" in Dragon History.Nuova Shenron: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball GT Saga "Solar Warrior 6000 Degrees of Power!" in Dragon History.Pilaf Machine: Win Level 2 in the Super World Tournament.Spopovich: Win Level 3 in the World Tournament.Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta: Defeat Ultimate Super Gogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.Super Saiyan 4 Goku: Defeat Ultimate Android in Dragon Ball GT Saga.Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta: Defeat Ultimate Super Gogeta in Dragon Ball GT Saga.Tambourline: Successfully complete the Dragon Ball Saga "Goku Strikes Back" in Dragon History.
Successfully complete 50 of the 100 missions to unlock the Combo Master capsule.
Successfully complete all 100 missions to unlock the Quick Charge capsule.
Successfully complete Dragon History to unlock the I Give You A Romantic background music.
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Cell Game, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the Super Suvivor (Instrumental, Full) background music.
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, World Tournament, Difficulty 2 Victory to unlock the Super Suvivor (Instrumental, Short) background music.
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Otherworld Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlock the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Full) background music.
Successfully complete Dragon World Tour, Super World Tournament, Difficulty 3 Victory to unlock the Super Suvivor (Vocal, Short) background music.
The following is a list of what time tournaments begin:
Every time you exit Tournament mode and go back in, the clock will increase by one hour. To select a desired level in Tournament mode, save the game one hour before the start of a tournament. For example, if you want to fight in the World Tournament, which starts at 07:00, enter and exit Tournament mode until the clock reads "06:00". Then, exit Tournament mode, go to the options, and save the game. When you enter Tournament mode again, there should be a big "Welcome" sign and a picture of the upcoming tournament. Enter the tournament, and if the level you want to fight in is not the one you want, go to the options, load your saved game file, and enter the tournament again until the desired level is selected.
There are a few characters who can hit big characters with Rush Blast 2 and Ultimate Blasts without flying back if they touch them. Those characters are as follows:
Play as Uub in the Cell Games Tournament. Uub cannot teleport. To counter this, use a Turtle Shell so your opponent will have to use six Ki bars to teleport, making it just about impossible. Even if they teleport, their Ki will be so low that you can hit them easily. His Ki-cannon shoots so quickly that most of the time you can hit anybody in mid range without having to set it up with a combo. Fierce Flurry is also a very powerful death move. Once you launch it, keep pressing Circle repeatedly to add on to the combo. Eventually you will have so many hits from the combo that it makes up for the two bars you had to use. This is what your skill setup should be:
Since Uub starts with a base Kii level of 5, this makes it a lot easier. The Ki Cannon and Fierce Flurry together are powerful because they come out so quickly. For this to work well, you must equip Turtle Shell or else your opponents will keep teleporting.
When you start, you will be in the normal stage. Keep your distance. When he gets close, do a normal combo ending with a bashing attack. This should send him flying. If not, keep going until it does. When the "R3" symbol appears, use it as quickly as possible. Goku should turn into a Super Saiyan 3. Repeat the same strategy because your health is very limited. After awhile the "R3" symbol will reappear; press it quickly. Majuub should come in. This is your chance to do a little damage while switching back and forth using the strategy done with Goku, and just doing combos on him. When the "R3" symbol appears, use it. When SS4 Goku comes in, try to take him out at that point.
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Action replay codes for Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Greatest Hits can be obtained by asking others who play the game. Many online game forums and websites also have game codes.
There are no cheats for Dragon ball Z budokai 3 PC. Ashwin Hendre
it isn't for the ps3. It is on ps2 and it plays on the ps3. so you could play it on ps3. As to where to get it, cheak Game Stop. I just bought that very same game for ps2, a week's ago for 20$
There is none
yeah there is
Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta.
I think it's budokai tenkaichi
Yes dragon ball z budokai 2
Action replay codes for Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Greatest Hits can be obtained by asking others who play the game. Many online game forums and websites also have game codes.
hey if you want to know that what happened in dragon ball gt there are so many ways like play a game which has story from dragon ball to dragon ball gt or see in you tube one by one all the episodes is the way I know what happened in gt and AF.If you don't getting game you can take like dragon ball budokai tenkaichi3, dragon ball raging blast or dragon ball burst limit Thank you
they are the same but shin budokai 2 is in usa
what do i press to transform in dragon ball z budokai x 2.4.5
No but Budokai 2 has 2.
There are no cheats for Dragon ball Z budokai 3 PC. Ashwin Hendre
it isn't for the ps3. It is on ps2 and it plays on the ps3. so you could play it on ps3. As to where to get it, cheak Game Stop. I just bought that very same game for ps2, a week's ago for 20$