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It doesn't have a name. It's just the power of Egyptian God Cards put together
Infinity and defensive infinity also it's special ability is automatically a win that is why his attack power and defensive power are both infinity. He is way more powerful than the Egyptian god cards.
Dark Magician of Chaos and Magician of Faith both had this power, but they are currently both Banned. The only legal card I can think of off the top of my head would be Magical Stone Excavation. Also Z-One
please can you help to find a site to download yu-gi-oh poxer of chaos game
I dont no how
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chaos was goddess of air
You can't. Just like in the actual TCG, the God Cards are not playable cards in the Power of Chaos series of PC games. If you choose to edit the game's software ("hack" it), you are voiding your warranty and may damage your game permanently. Furthermore, it's incredibly difficult to create a game where the God cards are fair, playable cards anyway, because it's so difficult to determine the extent of their effects and if/when they can be activated. Typically the God cards are only ever included in a game for "show" purposes, not as actual cards you can collect multiples of and/or build a deck around.
It doesn't have a name. It's just the power of Egyptian God Cards put together
*The Egyptian God Cards are on the Forbidden list in the game. However, after the Expert cup, you may use 1 copy of 1 forbidden card. So yes you can use Egyptian God Cards. Find Ishizu Ishtar (about 3 stars) to get your first Egyptian God card. She will ask if you prefer Unity or Power. After that, you duel Seto Kaiba. If you win, you get an Egyptian God Card depending on your choice: *Unity = Slifer the Sky Dragon ATK = #of cards in your hand (recommended for a draw deck) Power = Obelisk the Tormentor ATK 4000 *Yami Yugi will get whatever Egyptian god card you didn't choose. *Yami Marik has The Winged Dragon of Ra. *Ishizu will ask you to retrieve the Winged Dragon of Ra
The Egyptian God cards have been released for play (minus Slifer, the Sky Dragon), and have powerful attack points and effects. While the Legendary Dragons are unique in that they have a sort of contact fusion effect, in order to create more cards that haven't been released, either. I'd say the Legendary Dragons (if ever released), would be very versatile, but I doubt they'd have the sheer power of the Egyptian Gods.
Infinity and defensive infinity also it's special ability is automatically a win that is why his attack power and defensive power are both infinity. He is way more powerful than the Egyptian god cards.
Here is an example sentence for 'chaos':The hurricane knocked down the buildings and caused a power cut, resulting in total chaos.
Chaos controlll!