Yes. I was on a website where the senior president says she loves the nun-chuck and remote but wen she played with the classic controller she fell in love with it. Now she's back in forth playing the classic controller and the nun-chuck with remote depending on her mood.
The only buttons that are the the same as the ones on the wii remote are "a" and "b". I don't really think it will work, but I've heard its possible
Yes, almost all games for windows are compatible with a wired xbox 360 controller. There are many good Youtube tutorials for this.
press the button in the middle of the controller named analog
classic is what i call it
wii classic does not work wii classic does not work
I think that you can use the original Classic Controller though I am not positive. However, I am positive that you can use the WiiMote and nunchuck or the Classic Controller Pro. I also know for a fact the gamecube controller does not work.
Yes, it will and it will also have a headset ability !
The only buttons that are the the same as the ones on the wii remote are "a" and "b". I don't really think it will work, but I've heard its possible
No get a classic controller
no, I've tried it and it does not work.
yes doesnt matter where a controller is from it will work
Yes, almost all games for windows are compatible with a wired xbox 360 controller. There are many good Youtube tutorials for this.
Yes, It Works With Any Game, It Just A Regular Controller With A Black Ops Picture On It.
press the button in the middle of the controller named analog