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Actually, it doesn't. For some reason, none of the dragons in webkinz world really fly. They only walk on there four feet. But, the webkinz sugar glider, which is a new webkinz, does fly, even though it has four feet.

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Q: Does the webkinz ice dragon fly online?
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What is the secret code to webkinz ice dragon?

Every webkinz comes with a unique code. That means that every ice dragon's code is not the same. Also if you want a webkinz you should go to the store and buy one.

How many Webkinz dragons are there?

As of 8-7-11, there are eleven Webkinz with 'dragon' in their name: the Citrus Dragon, the Emperor Dragon, the Golden Deluxe Dragon, the Green Seadragon, the Ice Dragon, the Lava Dragon, the Luck Dragon, the Shamrock Dragon, the Splash Dragon, the Twilight Dragon, and the Whimsy Dragon. Nine are traditional dragons; two (the Green Seadragon and the Splash Dragon) are seahorse-type animals. Four (the Golden Deluxe Dragon, the Green Seadragon, the Luck Dragon, and the Shamrock Dragon) are from the Ganz online store and are virtual only (no plush toy is available); the Luck Dragon has been shown in two versions but has not been released.

Does justice have webkinz trading cards?

I don't think so.I know they have a Ice Dragon though.

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(lv75+) charizard should have: rock slide, flamethrower/heat wave, wing attack/fly, dragon claw (lv65)+ articuno should have: psychic, fly, ice beam and sheer cold defeat ice elite with rockslide ghost elite with psychic fighting elite with fly/psychic dragon elite with dragon claw/ice beam

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Ice dragon and Metal dragon

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What will happen when you breed water dragon and ice dragon in Dragon City?

you get a ice cream dragon

How do you breed icecube dragon in Dragon City?

breed ice and water

What Webkinz should you get?

it is really up to you, it does not matter, but Webkinz is coming up with some really cool new Webkinz and you should diffidently consider getting one of those. Here are some of my favorites: Majestic Tiger, Love Spaniel, Hound Dog and Glamorous Gorilla. I also like the ice Dragon, it is pretty awesome!

What 2 dragons create ice cream dragon on Dragon City?

water dragon+ice dragon

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Dragon and Ice Types