Yes, it can since the Nintendo DS lite is slightly smaller than the original DS
The Nintendo DS Lite has a brighter screen the the original Nintendo DS and it's slimmer as well other than that there are no huge differences
The dsi is a tad bigger. But you cant tell because it is WAYYYY lighter than a ds lite.
The ds lite is much better, by far. The screen is a lot brighter (well, can be, depending on how you set it), and the system itself is much lighter. The ds original was very ugly, and uncomfortable to hold for a long time. The was no selection of color- only grey. The DS lite comes in black, white, red, blue, and two kinds of pink. You can even get colors such as green and yellow if you order it from out of country, but I wouldn't suggest that, as I've heard it will only play games from that country. It is also a much sleeker design. The only 2 bad things about it are it gets fingerprint marks easily, but it is cleanable with eyeglass cleaner or a rag, and that less than 1% of DS lite owners have reported cracks in the hinges. I have heard that this is fixed under warranty, and also that it isn't. I have also heard that the original was harder to break. But, go with the lite anyway. And if you still aren't satisfied with this information, go to Google Video or YouTube, and look up "DS lite vs DS" or something like it. I really hope this helps! The DS lite. It is sleeker than the original DS, much like the DSi was thinner than the DS Lite. It is more comfortable to hold and the screen is slightly bigger.
no u cant a dsi cant fit in a ds case i tried a dsi is bigger than a ds
I think what you mean is DS Lite. There is no such thing as DS Simple. The DS Lite is a portable gaming console that has two screens. It is smaller and lighter than the original Nintendo DS.
The tab at the end is slightly bigger on the DS Lite but they will both fit in each others slots
Many people say the screen is a tiny bit bigger on the DSi. The DSi is bulkier than the lite, the lite was designed to be small.
The screens are bigger and of better quality.
Because you are multiplying by the inverse, which is bigger than the original fraction.
The DS Lite has sold a lot more than the PSP overall, but it's a matter of what you want, the PSP has much better graphics and controls, but the DS has 2 screens, a touchscreen and is cheaper.
If you are talking about Screen size then the Ds Lite is smaller than the DSI. If you are talking about systom height then they are the same height
Yes, it can since the Nintendo DS lite is slightly smaller than the original DS
in some ways, yes, it is bigger and brighter
a dsi is bigger but thinner than a ds
The original DS was silver and a bit heavy. The base is bigger than the flip up screen. The DS Lite does everything a bigger DS does, but it's more compact. The DS Lite is about the size of a checkbook and has a plastic cover. The Lite comes is several different colors. If you're interested in trying to win a DS Lite, here are some current contests where you can win one:
The Nintendo DS Lite has a brighter screen the the original Nintendo DS and it's slimmer as well other than that there are no huge differences