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Yes, the original DS is wi-fi enabled.

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Q: Does the original DS connect to wifi?
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How do you get WiFi on your Nintendo DS lite?

if wifi means connect with other players than it aready has wifi

How do you get wi-fi connection for Nintendo ds?

To connect wifi to your Ds you must have a DSi or a Nitendo WIFI USB Connector for about $60.

Is ds WiFi free?

Yes its free if you can connect to you hub.

Does it cost anything to connect your Nintendo ds to wifi connection?


How do get WiFi on ds?

The DS has its own internal wi-fi capability, and can connect to a wireless router.

Can you go online with your ds with a PS3 because of PS3s wifi?

No, the DS won't connect to the PS3.

Do I need specific accessory to connect my Nintendo DS to WiFi internet?

Yes, you need the Nintendo DS WiFi USB adaptor to access the internet.

How do you connect to nintendo-wifi?

i don't know but try typing it in Google im just looking how to connect wifi to my ds for my Pokemon ranger 2 game

Can the ds lite connect to wifi?

Yes, if there is no security (password) or the security is WEP.

Can two different Nintendo DS lites connect to the same wifi spot on Pokemon black in the wifi club?

Yes, they can.

If I get a laptop with built in wifi system then would I be able to get a WiFi connection signal on my Nintendo ds when I play it next to the laptop?

yes, but the way to do this is very difficult and you can't connect your laptop wirelessy while you connect your ds to the laptop.