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Q: Does the minecraft store success still work?
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Does Notch still work on Minecraft?

Of course. He still makes updates.

Why cant you make an account on Minecraft?

Maybe you're having technical difficulties. Call a technician. Edit by Ozaicanyousee. There are some computer in witch minecraft will never work. The maximum percent of minecraft success are Mac or ALIENWARE I have ALIENWARE, one of the fastest computers :)

What is hardworking?


Why can't I download the Minecraft like game Crafted on the App Store?

Well it may not work because you have the latest iPod or because it's not in the app store any more

On the mac it says unable to sign you in on Minecraft please help me apple and Minecraft fans So my question is how do you play Minecraft on a mac book pro from apple?

To login on minecraft, you need those things: A premium minecraft account Internet If you have both, and it still doesn't work, I can't help you.

What if a texture pack messed up your Minecraft?

How did the texture pack "mess it up"? Doesn't it work to open Minecraft or is there anything in the game that doesn't work? Be specific when you ask a question. Anyway, you can try to delete the texture pack files from the Minecraft folder. If it still doesn't work, you should uninstall Minecraft and download and install it again. You can download Minecraft as many times as you want once you have bought it.

Can you play Minecraft on your mobile phone?

If you have an Android or Solaris, you can play Minecraft. In the related links below, I have the place to buy the Minecraft on the go, also known as the pocket edition. It's still heavily under work, but open to the public!

Why don't any of my texture packs work for minecraft?

It's probably outdated. When Minecraft updates, all the mods need to be updated also.Make sure they are still a .zip file when you put them in the Textures file. And did you select it when you logged into Minecraft?

Does Minecraft 1.4.6 mods work with Minecraft 1.4.7?

Minecraft 1.4.6 mods will work with 1.4.7 sense they are both a 1.4.

Does Minecraft work on any windows?

yes mine craft will work no matter what it might be a bit laggy or just not download you still can play it in the browser

Can you use outdated mods for minecraft?

In general NO, but some may still work on a minor "point" change but not very often.

Can you play Minecraft?

yes but you have to download minecraft if you want it to work