Sure but it is like 1% chance of getting it. And the Original XBOX 360 Has like a 37% chance of getting it. But neither copy of the XBOX gets the red ring of death. unless you are very unlucky. And I would recommend the Elite.
All xbox360's have a mass chance of failing frome the red light its 74% for arcade premium its 42% and elite just under 20% percent these figures are from the consumer products reviews my advice is to buy a ps3 or suffer money out of your pocket fixing the red light after warrety runs out of course which would end up totaling to buyin a ps3 and all COD's possibly GTA and many other games
Yes the xbox 360 elite can get problems avoid leaving your 360 on for more than 24 hours and avoid the RED RING OF DEATH.
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
The xbox 360 elite has 120 gb The xbox 360 super elite 250 gb memory that is the only difference between the two
Yes xbox elite's can play xbox 360 games
well xbox 360 elite is $299.99 xbox 360 arcade is $399.99 i will pick xbox 360 elite. there is no xbox 720 there is just a newer xbox 360 with wifi built in.
no it is not the arcade is more likely to get red ring of death and the elite has a bigger hard drive, and runs faster than the elite .
Yes the xbox 360 elite can get problems avoid leaving your 360 on for more than 24 hours and avoid the RED RING OF DEATH.
no. xbox's are made specificly to break down. Try a Ps3. worth it.
Make sure it is in an open area. The more open the more you can play it.
You get a cooler for the back of the xbox
Yes. :D
You can tell your Xbox 360 is overheating when the fan stays on and sometimes when there is a red ring glowing on the console.
Elite of course.
xbox original xbox 360 core xbox 360 arcade xbox 360 premium xbox 360 elite xbox 360 super elite
This is (KevXD) We are in the yeer 2009, and WE DO HAVE XBOX 360 ELITE
xbox360 elite